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Asis known,the judgeson AmericanIdolepisodeto-10switch.SimonCowellwhoisknown forhis criticismduringasharpandspicy, resigned.Hechosetofocusonthe show'TheXFactor'which will also bemadethe American version.
The presence ofthesetwonew jurors, such asJenniferLopezandStevenTylerare considerednot yetable to lift theprestige ofthis event.J.LoandAerosmithlead singerwasverypopular.Buttheir popularitywasnotenoughinterestingforviewers.AmericanIdolratingsslumpeddrastically;thuspreachedOKMagazine,Friday, January 21, 2011.
Atthe premiereTuesdaynight,according toreportsCelebuzz, the eventwaswatched byabout26.1millionviewers.However,the figures did notmakethemanager ofthis eventare satisfied.Inpreviousseasons,the number ofviewersis much higher.The reason,allegedlynew facessittingin thechairthe juryhas notfullyacceptedviewers.Now,there's onlyonethathas beenfamiliarfaceinthe eyes ofviewers.He is,RandyJackson, the onlyremainingoldjury.
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