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One day in 1974, a Grade 3 elementary school boy girl bawl loudly in a tourist area in Bangkok, Thailand. Principal Princess Indonesian in Malaysia had insisted on a doll bought a very big and tall like you just bought one of his playmates. Despite moments of persuasion by his father, the boy continued to struggle, and even further improve the 'power' she cried. Lengkingannya so great, so some people nearby had to shut my ears. On the other hand, insists the father did not want to grant the request of his little girl. Finally, for not disturbing others, the father brought the boy who was screaming that went back to the cottage. After leaving the food and beverages, the father locked the boy in the cottage and returned to join his entourage, the Indonesian School faculty in Malaysia following their respective families. When the afternoon he returned to the cottage, whiny little girl was found asleep because of exhaustion already crying. After waking the boy immediately embraced with affection by his father. "You know not, why Daddy does not allow you to buy the doll?" Asked his father. The little girl shook her head with a lazy attitude. His father continued, "You can ask anything, but do not imitate other people!" Now, the little girl was already a mother of two daughters, namely Arethusa or Obiet Zhobita Zana (12) and Hana Amedia or Oniel (7). He is Nicky Nastiti Works Goddess or better known as Nicky Astria.
Nicky said, during a new life once was one time she scolded and treated very loud from his father. As the only daughter (four of five children) of the pair Tatang Kosasih Wirahadimana and Andrina Heryati, since little Nicky was very spoiled and privileged by his father. He never reprimanded, let alone beaten. Despite mistakes, fathers born October 18, 1967 Bandung is never blamed. Every time a fight with a brother or sister, Nicky still justified and defended by her father, who is a teacher at the same time one of the founding pioneers of SMP Negeri Bandung XI. "When Daddy came home and saw my eyes swollen, then the whole household, whether mother, brother, or sister-sister, would be immediately rebuked," recalls Nicky.
Dicky Nugraha Karya Budi, eldest sister Nicky, can tolerate the treatment. "Because Nick is the only daughter, she was somewhat favored by the father than the other. Papa Attitudes like that do not make the other children become jealous, because Papa was also very spoiled us all. Until now our relationship is very close brothers, "said Dick. Nicky admits, he was closer to her father than with her mother. Tells the story of the father, many sweet memories that are not going to forget him. Every day his father was always hugging and stroking, accompanied by soft speeches. Almost all his wishes are always fulfilled. If the fitting can not meet the wishes of his daughter, the father will seduce and persuade him in such a way.
One day, while sitting in the Junior, Nicky never sulked to his father bought a motorcycle for a duck. "Dad, my school right now pretty much, and all my friends also ride motorcycles. I also bought a motorcycle, dong, Dad ...," Nick cooed. As usual, his father hugged and stroked her hair. With fatherly attitude, his father answered with great humor, "Because Daddy did not have money, why do not we buy the duck first, and later his motorcycle?" As a result, Nicky even laugh and forget his request. On another occasion, her father invites Nick berhumor at the dinner table. It was Nicky's mother was to study the art academy of dance, so sometimes do not have time to cook. In fact, the father did not want to eat, if not his wife's cooking. One day at the dinner table is available only rice and vegetables wind lompong (Lumbu stem vegetables fed coconut milk). Realizing her daughter's not in the mood to see that side dish, the father then took her daughter's imagination. "Now Daddy was imagining a pedicab driver who had two days of not eating rice. Well, you try to imagine, in a state of tired and very hungry stomach, it feels like a vegetable chicken meat. Hmmm ... delicious! "Like a spellbound, Nicky initially reluctantly, even eventually join voraciously ate her lunch.
Little Nicky is also very tomboyish. He would rather play with male friends. The types of games that he liked very well men, for example playing kites, marbles, hide and seek, even football. In 1972, Tatang Kosasih Indonesia was appointed as Headmaster at the Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia. Nicky who was five years old, with his mother and four brothers (Dick, Yacky Prayadna Karya Bakti, Bucky Wibawa Karya Guna, and Sacky Santosa Karya Satya), go live in the neighboring country. In terms of age, not the time he entered elementary school, but because in Indonesia there is no school kindergarten, and because it is already capable of, he was allowed into school. And, since moving to Malaysia, too, Nicky change his call to his father. From Daddy to be Daddy, imitating his friends at school and at play.
Moving to Malaysia, Nicky initially somewhat difficult to communicate with friends who use the Indonesian language. Because, while in Bandung
"True, the numbers even. But, the name of the numbers how many? "Asked his teacher again.
"Yes, genep!"
"Yes, the result is even, but how?"
Due to constant annoyance dicecar, Nicky ran out of the classroom crying. He went straight to his father's office. "Dad, three plus three equal to genep, 'right?"
"Genep the Sundanese language. His Indonesian-six, Neng, "replied the father, as she wiped her tears.
Nicky admits, as a child he was very sloppy, a little cry. "If you cry long and if angry like screaming so loud," recalls Dick. "Because that's maudlin, he was often teased by her brothers. Because his eyes narrow, she likes teasing like the Chinese. Therefore, we then called Ona, an abbreviation of 'Chinese'. "
Nevertheless, he loved many teachers. One of them was the art teacher, Suhaimi Nasution. Besides pleased to see the attitude of confident Nicky, Suhaimi feel the talent of art students a voice on this one. That is why, several months ahead of Independence anniversary in 1975, Suhaimi facing Nicky's father, asking permission to include Nicky in the choir team.
"Is my child can sing? At home, she was very whiny, crying only job, "said Nick's father, who even surprised.
"Yes, sir. Mr Prince good voice. "
Since then, Nicky and his friends are trained to sing by Suhaimi. In addition, he continues to practice at home alone. When the event was held at seven dozen House Embassy of Indonesia in Kuala Lumpur, Nicky went up the stage for the first time. The boy previously known to be very spoiled and whiny, the night was able to bring the song Mother (usually sung by Rano Karno) with the good. "My mother was to cry. During this time I was just a child Mama him spoiled and whiny. Mama do not think that I was also able to sing, in front of the honored guest as well, "recalls Nicky.
Since realized her daughter did have a singing talent, the father then involve her daughter in various activities. Nicky is also often included in the activities of the Indonesian embassy
her family always communicate in the language. Therefore, Nicky often laughed to himself when recalling the early days when he attended in Malaysia. For example, when the teacher asked, "Nicky, three plus three equal to what?", Nicky replied loudly, "Genep!" Welcomes national day celebrations as well as international. Next, Nick even asked to sing in a children's show on TV Malaysia. 

The tenure of Tatang Kosasih in Malaysia ended in 1975. After returning to Bandung, he went back to work as a staff of Regional Office of Education Ministry of West Java Province. Nick continued his school in 4th grade Halimun Affairs. In addition, Nicky talent as a singer is also more prominent, especially after his father bought a set of musical instruments for their children. Understandably, Tatang and Andrina artist known as Sunda. Besides mastering the various arts of Sunda, Tatang savvy enough to play the Sundanese gamelan. Andrina also known as the Sunda dancers are quite popular.
At home they are quite large in Palasari Road, London, two sets of music filled the family living room. A set is a Sundanese gamelan and another set of modern musical instruments, like guitar, organ, piano, and drums. Naturally when the fourth brother Nicky finally able to play both types of instrument. 'House music' was becoming a frenzy when friends or friends dad Nicky Nicky's brothers came. As a result, this house is never quiet and a place 'ngepos' a lot of artists of Bandung. Among the musicians who often came to the house, among others, Euis Komariyah, Uum Gumbira, Tati Saleh, Deddy Dores, and Denny Sabri, a talent scout.
By his father, Nicky also encouraged to participate in various festivals pop singers at the district / municipal and then provincial level. He also follows the traditional Sundanese dance workout, and managed to master the various types of dance. Every time Nick would take the festival to sing, her father will summon two private tutor to the house, namely Panji Trisna Senjaya and Sukaeti Hidayat, who was assigned to train the vocal techniques for the type of song seriosa Nicky and keroncong. "I was very lazy when told to singing lessons," recalls Nicky. "Every time they come, I hide in my room. Fortunately, both are very patient and creative. Because my hobby eat crackers and meatballs, then every time comes, they always bring me a souvenir balls and crackers, ha ... ha ... ha ...."
If you forgot or did not get to buy Nick's favorite food, they must be ready with the money one thousand as the lure. "Want to snack, no?" Said the teacher, while brandishing it in front of Nicky.
"Nicky was very lazy when told to practice vocal," said Panji Trisna. "Therefore, I like to get angry when I'm training him. I said, 'you are so willing to join the festival is not, anyway? "But, the basic whiny child, burst into tears when she scolded. Strangely, despite his training lazy, he always won first or second in every festival in the district or provincial level. At that time he was always competing with Ruth, who is also one of Bandung, "he continued.
While still sitting in elementary school, Nicky has been following the Festival Singers Pop Kids or better known as Little Star. At the beginning of junior high school (SMP 13), it follows a pop singer Level Youth Festival. But, like all his brothers who practice music solely to hobbies, to his father Nick has always reminded firmly, "Daddy did not want to have children as a singer. You can sing, but for the hobby alone! "
"Although a complete musical instrument at home, our parents did not want us to be musicians and singers," said Dick. "Again and again they warned, the music is just for the association or to channel the energy, not as a main job. As children, we are required to complete education more as high as possible. "
Nicky recalls how his father was so worried he was going to be a singer. However, Nicky was not disturbed, because he himself never wanted to be a singer or a famous person. "Although I realize that time had a talent to sing, I never thought anything to develop it seriously," says Nicky. He actually wanted to become doctors or engineers. But, after graduating high school (SMA Negeri 7 Bandung), he just wants to be a radio announcer in order to quickly get money and could help her mother.
A YEAR NUNGGAK SPP According to Dick, the reason for both parents to prepare all the music equipment at home is so that their children are not a lot of play out of the house and its activities can be monitored directly. "So, even friends who come up to tens of people, Papa-Mama was never angry or scold us. In fact, Mama happy to prepare food and drinks for our friends. "
Apparently, not only inherited the art of blood both parents to Nicky. He is also a hobby to entertain and give gifts to those closest. The result is fatal. One day Tatang summoned to the school in junior Nick Negri 13, Bandung, and was told by school leaders for a year that Nicky never pay tuition fees (donations implementation of education). Tatang course very shocked and embarrassed. The reason, every month he never fails to give tuition to his daughter.
Various anxiety surrounding liver Tatang. But, when she reached home, all that anger suddenly vanished when he met her only daughter that. He gently asked, "Nicky never pay the fees, yes?" Nick nodded with fear. After be provoked, then get out his confession that he was using tuition money to ... treat school friends!
According to Nicky, who likes to read the comics 'princess', like Cinderella, Snow White, or the works of Hans Christian Andersen, the money was not entirely used to treat a friend, but also to hire and buy books or other merchandise favorite friends. "I really like the quasi-bossy. The boss usually like to treat it, he ... he ... he ...," he recalls, laughing.
As a teenager, maybe that time he still needed recognition. "But, all that I do not want to be praised or flattered, but because I really love doing. Sometimes just want to help a friend, or just want fun. Almost like a hobby, "he continued.
At other times, Tatang also received new reports that Nicky was sitting in 2nd grade junior high school, often skipping school because of lazy to do homework. Although every morning Nicky was wearing school uniform, he never went to school. He only walked a few hundred yards from his home and then returned home after his father had gone to the office and my mom and her brothers to college. Nick then climbed to the roof of the house so as not visible to others, and when it's hot new entry into his ceiling. As a result, homes are often broken roof tiles.
However, over time there is also a know their conduct, and report to his father. Actually, his father knew that Nicky often skip school and hide in the ceiling of the house. However, again Tatang not bear to scold his favorite daughter. At dinner, quipped Tatang Nicky by saying to Dick, "seems, in our house that day and often there is a thief who likes to go up to the roof. See, a lot of broken tiles. Try tomorrow afternoon, at around 10-11 noon, you look up the ceiling. Who knew you could catch malingnya. "Nick was silent, frightened and embarrassed. Since then Nicky kapok hooky and hide in the ceiling again.

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