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STORY OF Ari Lasso
Since primary school he was already familiar with the composition of the Queen, Rod Stewart, The Police, Rolling Stones, and John Denver. Starting time at SMA 2 Surabaya, along with Henry Juniarso, dramer god first and Piyu (guitarist PADI) form Outsider Band.Kemudian he was recruited in Los Angels Band, the precursor Boomerang.
With this band he began to recognize the Down Beat personnel consisting of Dhani, Erwin, and Andra. Feel comfortable with them Ari began to make friends and the band together. Shortly Down Beat jazz wing decided to revive the god and ngerock again. Dhani also called Henry back and this time the name changed to Dewa 19 Dewa. Through a long struggle finally made it into the kitchen Dewa 19 recordings and successful bagging the award for 'Best Newcomer' and 'Best Selling Album' Award 1993 by BASF version hits Kangen.
He started doing a lot of shows in various regions, so that almost abandoned school activities and obtain ranking last. But he could still be accepted at the Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University Surabaya. The more days the name of Dewa 19 increasingly popular and loved by many young people. Almost every album released successfully sold hundreds of thousands of copies, especially the album representative. But unfortunately, the conflict that often perch increasingly become since the album is released. Especially since the third album Ari began to 'friendly' with the drug. Dhani could no longer tolerate this habit Ari, for 'activity' that inhibit the making of the album Ari Five Stars.Any problems re-emerged, ranging from sacking Wong Aksan, Erwin issuance until the position is replaced by Ari Once.Di the confused that the album The Best of Dewa 19 was released at the end of 1999. And success. Through two singles Eagle and Offerings From Heaven Dewa 19 back to flying, even without any promotional piece. Seeing the fact that the label then issued a statement that the god of 19 would not disband divakumkan only temporary without time limit.
Meanwhile, Dhani began to fly the 'New' Gods with vocalist Once and Five Star had completed the album. Ari also joined the backing vocals for the song dime novel in the Five Star album.
After a long vanished from circulation, Ari finally re-emerged in Indonesia with the music arena, performing a duet with Joey Ayala to hummed the song "If" in Melly solo album. This song managed to rank first in nearly all the songs ladders in Indonesia. Reviewing a duet with Melly proven Ari can exist without a god. It is not impossible that success will be repeated on his solo album.After finally officially out of the god himself, Ari began concentrating on working on her solo album which has been prepared since 1997. But there are few problems between Ari and producer until the circulation of the album is halting. After going through a long process finally on August 8, 2001 Ari kicked off his fans with his solo album titled expression feelings, which gave the album title "Alone In the past". On her first album was Ari keen to pursue making music video premiere for the song Divine Mystery. Of course, this clip will become part of Ari's return to Indonesia after the music arena for so long disappeared. Remarkably in album sales, within two weeks has reached 100 thousand copies. And for almost 6 Month Album "Self First" broke through to the sales numbers 500 thousand copies. Of course these figures are very fantastic for a solo singer. This further strengthens Ari to set his stride as a solo artist and managed to escape from the shadow of god.Together with this album Ari brings his obsession to become a good singer, professional, and legendary. Frankly''on this album I'm selling my voice and Aquarius. Because music and the song is not too complicated,''he said. On this album he is assisted by Bebi Romeo, Erwin Dewa, Andra, Ben, Bongky, Anto Hoed, Denny Chasmala, Andi Rianto, etc..Armed with the success achieved in his first solo album, Ari Lasso re-issued second album entitled "Balance" on February 15, 2003. While the themes raised by Ari still about problems that occur in everyday life and love. But Ari wanted to give a little difference in the album "Balance" is. If her first album presents the nuances of pop, this time on her second album the feel of a given not just shades of pop, but the nuances of Rock also felt in this album. To be more innovative and not too light. Let the audience also got a new nuance of her vocals are distinctive characters. Ari also successfully took great musicians like Ahmad Dhani, Piyu (Rice), Andra (Dewa), Bebi Romeo, Ricky FM, Marshall (Dr. AM) etc, to help him in this album. The second album is also selling in the market. With the first single "Secrets of Women" in a few weeks already reached sales figures of hundreds of thousands of pieces, This further reinforces Ari Lasso path to becoming a solo singer the best in the country.

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