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With the same desire of capital, especially in the field of music Aria Baron, Thomas Ramdhan, Ronald Fristianto, Gods and Armand Maulana Budjana on March 22, 1994 founded the music group that is named quite unique: GIGI.
Their presence in the music arena Indonesia initially not directly shine just like that, but judging from the appearance, his ability and experience, they can be categorized loaded a music group to be reckoned with his presence.
Debut album "dreams" sold 100,000 copies, a figure which is actually pretty good sales for a new group at the time, especially if you listen carefully that the album's musical colors DENTAL not yet clear, they are still in the process of searching, they still play his music according to his own words, the needs of the group at that time considered and the results are not as expected.
There is wind, the public began to notice the music DENTAL, realize it is a good opportunity, they began to fix all the fields that are considered important in playing music. In preparation for the second album of music concepts really matured and refined by considering the analysis and inputs obtained on the first album. In addition, to further maximize the concentration of personnel in playing music DENTAL, without disturbance of other things outside of music, formed DENTAL MANAGEMENT.
Hard work and patience yielded good results, the second album "THE WORLD" which was released in 1995 is a proof that their struggle for a year is not useless. The album with the hit song "Promise" sold 400,000 copies. Not only that achievements obtained, other than this album will follow up the request back to the first album, at the Golden Music Indonesia, followed by a group of top-group in Indonesia, DENTAL crowned as the best musical group. This condition also allows DENTAL MANAGEMENT to reach its annual target.
September 1995 was a year of trials, during which the GIGI is tough to fly in the top, leaving DENTAL Aria Baron, the article wanted to continue her schooling in America. Finally dilepaslah DENTAL Baron and keep it running with a commitment not also add personnel replacement (although many guitarist who want to audition.) these conditions did not create significant problems. Proven in April 1996 when DENTAL her third album release titled "3 / 4" still much to like it. The album with the hit song "Oo Oo OO O" is sold with the second album more or less nearly 400,000 copies. While the achievements obtained in 1996 GIGI is a group of music's brightest 1996, the Group's best-selling band, 1996, from the management data show that targeted 48 times to achieve the 59 shows, one of them in America.mark1DENTAL 1994 - 1996
Again the trial, all the problems that exist in the year 1995 can be resolved to come again ditahun 1996, Thomas Ramdhan in May 1996 followed by Ronald Fristianto resigned in November 1996. Not only was management who deplore this problem occurs but the music community for granted. Finally, virtually anything in order to give pertanggunganjawaban its obligations, DENTAL (which its personnel live and Armand Maulana Budjana Gods only) is fully supported by management has decided to keep it running and looking for a replacement player. The options are Opet Alatas (Bass) and Budhy Haryono (drums).
96-97DENTAL 1996 - 1997
Year 1997 was the year a new department for TEETH. In addition to two new players and new musical concept, a new record company too. Actually, other conditions should be expected just as well, apparently not so, the album named "2 X 2" that can be said tereksklusif DENTAL album which sound-making process is done in Indonesia and the United States, the overall refinement process (Mixing and Mastering) in doing entirely in the United States less promoted to the maximum, as a result the album in collaboration with World Musicians like Billy Sheehan (Bassist Mr. BIG), Harry Kim and Arturo Velasco (Phil Collins Brass Sections), Eric Marienthal (saxophone Solo) the expected results are not as targeted . Fortunately there are 100 city tour program of Management DENTAL least help boost record sales.
In 1998, the year of proof for TEETH. The concept of music that was slightly changed due to adjustment to new personnel, such characteristics are now back to normal. Move to the record company Sony Music Indonesia is the right choice. June 19, 1998, his return DENTAL show in Malaysia, the album "FLASHBACK BEYOND" in throwing outlets. Unexpected results, with good cooperation between the Management and Sony Music Indonesia DENTAL album promotion pack, tape sales commencing sells. Not only in Jakarta or in Java, another island was selling tapes TEETH a best seller for several periods of weeks. While the hits songs "Fly" sit ditangga best song on the radio Indonesia no less than 9 weeks, not to mention other songs like "Where are you located" and "longing for Peace". Cassette and CD sales reached 300,000. Other achievements obtained in 1998 were very encouraging as the Anugerah Musik Indonesia, DENTAL steal several categories like Best Group, Best Singer, Best Song and Best Cassette Cover Nomination. While the print media DENTAL crowned as the best pop rock group 1998 and the group's brightest 1998. The most exhilarating for DENTIST in Indonesia's economic condition was so severe management target to reach 48 events / shows in one year (commencing June 1998) was exceeded at the end of 1998 with 68 events / shows.
DENTAL remain persistent in air-Cita, finishing Notices to get the image. Because it GIGI consisting of Armand Maulana (Vocal), Budhy Haryono (Drums), Dewa Budjana (Guitar) and Opet Alatas (Bass) will always try to make a new breakthrough in music.
In 1999, is a pretty bleak year for the world of Indonesian music. In conditions of prolonged crisis-stricken economy is affecting the activities and life music. Stock cassettes, activity shows, recording activity was participated sluggish blood. Coupled with an increasingly rising political temperature before a general election this year, causing a variety of predictions and uncertainty about the condition of post-election. Similarly, this also happens in the world of music. Many recording projects delayed awaiting the political and economic development of Indonesia.
In the midst of uncertainty and chaos that's DENTAL survive and continue to work. Even the atmosphere of this beloved country muthakhir expressed in one of his latest DENTAL entitled "1999,,,, Cry".97-99DENTAL 1997 - 1999
Along with HUTnya that the 5th of April 1999 which was marked with a single concert at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta DENTAL titled "Concert Reply Budi", also released the 6th album entitled DENTAL "GOOD". Nothing special on this sixth album. "The boy lost" Thomas Ramdhan back to strengthen the ranks of formation DENTAL whose position in three years yesterday filled by Opet Alatas. And though DENTAL rediscover that had lost its components, which make the formulation of compositions DENTAL just more solid. With hits mainstay "Hinakah" Album TOOTH - BETTER the second step on the moon has reached sales of 60,000 copies, although not yet supported with the promotion of her music video aired exclusive (due to plot the events on television at that time dominated by political campaigns and political talk show that indeed nuanced rating is high). And ... .. Armand Maulana, Budhy Haryono, Gods Budjana and Thomas Ramdhan still believes that under any circumstances, whatever the trials and obstacles, with all his expertise in playing musical GIGI will remain in the hearts of fans biting and society in general. In 1999 she also made history in career DENTAL his music with a single concert that was named "Budi Reply Concert" at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, involving dozens of players in the orchestra's concerts.
The concert was an expression of gratitude to all parties DENTAL who helped the success of GEAR.
In addition to the event broadcast live exclusively by Indosiar, the concert was also recorded live and the live album was released in mid-2000 with the title "TEETH Greatest Hits LIVE IN CONCERT"
In 2000, in addition to the album "Greatest Hits TEETH IN CONCERT LIVE" released by Sony Music Indonesia, Sony Music Malaysia TEETH ALBUM which also released a compilation of the album "Flashback" and album "GOOD".
DENTAL concert agenda in 2000 is quite solid. Total was 86 concert, which includes a concert in Malaysia, Brunei and Japan.
Year 2001 DENTAL released seventh album, titled "For All Age" with a flagship songs including "Sing", "Diva". The album was also released in Malaysia with the label Sony Music Malaysia.
Another thing worth noting is among a row of concerts DENTAL agenda during 2001 there were 3 pieces of concerts held in foreign countries, namely: California-USA, Tokyo-Japan and Malaysia.
In 2002, eight years already DENTAL music group formed even at work since last 22 April 1994. Working through songs, GIGI has its own hue that adorned the face country music. A variety of music processed through both the personnel who had apart pairs since its appearance until the last DENTAL inhabited Armand Maulana (vocals), Dewa Budjana (Guitar) Thomas Ramdhan (Bass), and Budhy Haryono (drums). From the personnel of different musical backgrounds that DENTAL is able to present rich, quality music. So do not be surprised if they are good at playing pop music to beat jazz-rock that sometimes come to fill, or other musical experiments.
At age 8, also the re-print album, DENTIST containing songs ever dilambungkan hits as well toss their name as one of Indonesia's major music group. Songs like Angan, I Want (Angan - 1994), Promise, Which always true Passes / Nirvana (World-1995), Oo .... Oo .... Oo ...., Peacefulness of Love (3 / 4), Fly, longing for Peace (Flashback-1998), Hinakah (Good-1999), Singh (All Age-2001) is still very familiar to our ears. With poetic lyrics and catchy rhythms, no doubt, hits DENTAL often distorted in many radio stations and so is the clip-testimonial.
Album THE BEST OF TEETH, released in June 2002 contains 14 songs in which two diataranya are two new songs are previously unreleased, that I wish and the Road On the Moon. Both these songs have the same basic music tracks, from acoustic, which recalls the fans will DENTAL his songs are catchy and easy listening. If songs are created in the period from January to February 2002 was asked to become pre-eminent song on this album. There are interesting stories from one priority. At that time, had been a tough debate between the personnel of the lyrics. Armand who worked on the lyrics this time to make 3 versions of the lyrics, and finally the choice fell on the last version where the lyrics were in accordance with the melody and feel of the song. The content itself tells the story of a man who left the affair to be a second choice. Video clips If the song is quite unique, which perform "impromptu model like Sheila On 7, Andy (/ rif), Yuke (The Groove), and much more.
To track the Way On the Moon, DENTAL work on it during the promo to Malaysia. This song tells about how people feel in love with it, which seemed to float in last.So how DENTAL own opinion about the album THE BEST OF DENTAL this.'This album is the best offerings from GIGI. Where is the song selection is not limited to songs that have been hit, but also other songs that can be referred to as' song of experiments', such as grimacing and miss Earth song Peace, 'said Armand represent his friends.
And Praise the album The Best of GIGI has now won the Double Platium Awards from Sony Music, and that means that album sales have exceeded 300,000 copies.99-03DENTAL 1999 - 2003Eighth Greetings
Here's how DENTAL say hello to the world by throwing his new album, Hail the Eighth. Year 2003 is the ninth year for this band called simple. Why but why the title Salam Eighth? "Yes because this is the album of the 8th, and chance the recording process and its creation in 2002 was over yesterday pas DENTAL still 8 years old," said Armand vocalist who diligently wrote the lyrics for TEETH.
For three weeks in the studio DENTAL ngendon they cook up next album material mixing process. The material was created outside the studio lot, as inspiration lyrics that came suddenly when exposed to freeze or inspirational song when in the middle of the tour. The result is an even ten songs fill this album.
In terms of music DENTAL feel Greetings Eighth reflection of those conditions were relaxed the rest for 6 months which was very useful in loosening the pressure. Once relaxed, positive ideas which could set just showed up. Additionally DENTAL the first time the opportunity to collaborate with the sound engineer Stephan Santoso.
"The game off the four of us met with new ideas to make a fresh Stephan lot of material contained in our latest album. In terms of technique, this album does look a lot DENTAL music experience new things, one of which is collaboration with Stephan TEETH. One more thing prominent appearance of the line here the lyrics are more straightforward and positive, and if the vocals are not too much improvisation, "says Armand complete.
As a result the album is filled with colorful DENTAL who might be a little surprising, but certainly refreshing. Consider just the opening song of this album titled Accept Only. Beating drums from scratch really fun song to cover, plus a shout nanananana, nanananana ... Hoy, Hoy ... a nice surprise but make fun. Not imagine that this song sung by the TEETH. "Sometimes in writing a song, we thought about how this song will be performed directly later. Since we liked the action stage who really can play out in front of the fans the songs DENTAL with all the attractions and improvisation. Not to mention the sing like this we can better interact with an existing audience. It's interesting and makes us more spirit, "said Armand again.
The second song DENTAL drove slowly in the Subject of Love. The theme especially if it's not love. The song is the lyrics simmering via sms between Armand and Thomas are so many excellent songs heard on radio stations homeland. And has also dominate many of the charts we. For video clips, Dimas Djayadingrat prepare a concept-of documentary footage DENTAL trip in Jakarta-Bandung with her music model, Nirina. For other soft song is Falling You. From the title yet again what was predictable theme. And yet again to the lyrics is the result of Armand-Thomas rembukan duet.
DENTAL rest more often play a medium tempo and faster as I looked What You Want, Hail, Woman, You Are Friends, uncertainty, and Secret Ending Story. They are also a lot of play in the rhythm and lyrics of the song that much speak frankly. As the unique composition titled Secret manly pride which tells of a man of his manhood.
Overall this latest album DENTAL driving with a dynamic medium tempo. Whether it's the sound of drums, acoustic and distortion guitar or bass sound that when combined in the ears are fresh. Maximizing energy four herd this in a cast album.
DENTAL break period is over since releasing the album The Best of GIGI. Now they come back with a relaxed attitude positive fruitful. We welcome this course through the Salam greeting DENTAL Eighth.Original Soundtrack Brownies
In 2004, DENTAL back 'haunted' by trauma 'unloading-pairs' personnel. In the cultivation of the album Original Sound Track (OST) Brownies Budhy Haryono for one reason or another can not participate actively in the recording studio. Because this album should be completed in line with the release of the film will Beownies, upon reference from Budhy and other agreements dilibatkanlah Hendy GIGI personnel as an additional player Budhy replaced Haryono.
Brownies OST album (which includes most anticipated album in the year 2004 version of the magazine O 32 TH. XXVIII) was mixed with a dose of 5 new songs, 3 songs and 2 re-arrangements of songs taken over from the previous albums TEETH. The result, a pop of sweet, delicious taste as sweet as BROWNIES.
Recipe sweet pop album with lyrics that are easy listening dusted this, comes as the movie soundtrack album of the same title, BROWNIES. Romantic comedy film directed by Hanung Bramantyo was filmed starring Marcella Zallianty, Phillip, MTV VJ Arie and Bucek. The plot itself tells the story of a cosmopolitan girl who was looking for the meaning of a true love.
DENTAL given full confidence by Sinemart, production house that worked on this movie, to make its soundtrack. This is what makes DENTAL DENTAL although not lose color should remain BASED with these Brownies screenplay. The process of making new songs on this album is quite simple. While I imagine the scene as the scene that will appear, DENTAL sit with workshops while playing the guitar 'hollow' and created five new songs are more fresh.
Attendance Hendy who replaced Budhy was instrumental dialbum this. Hendy given the freedom to play in accordance with his style and always asked his opinion in arranging a song. Additional drummer who has the full name of this Erhandy Gusti, has worked together with Erwin Gutawa Orchestra for concerts Tim Christensen and Kris Kristofferson.
Can Only the single selected to serve as the opening singles of this album. The song is rhythmic pop-funky atmosphere is thick with the fresh, the lyrics tell the story of the film in accordance with the Brownies. Then there is a song that relies on patent akuistik Budjana guitar twang. The song is presented on a song called Love At Last. Other new songs on the album is no less cool to be enjoyed. Includes 3 songs older who re-arranged.
The three re-arranged songs that are more comfortable and really listened to much different from the version originally. Consider just the song Falling Song, taken from the album GREETINGS EIGHTH (2003). Dilagu this, Indra Lesmana presents DENTAL appear on Rhodes. The result, a melancholy song. Welcome song Asmara was no half-hearted re-arranged. DENTAL song dialbum remodel their home, FOR ALL AGE (2001), appearing in full band format, here performing with akuistik format. And songs from the album GOOD Lonely Without You (1999), also selected for entry in this album. This song became more nge-beat and the more comfortable listening to.
This album is as warm up before watching wide screen movie, scheduled to be played dijaringan 21 theater in January next year. The film is certainly going to eagerly awaited, because the combination of romantic comedy with music DENTAL light. Perfect measure, believed to make these brownies as well as the softer TEETH We are legit and bring a smile full of love when listening and watching BROWNIES.Achieve Victory
What would happen if the Islamic spiritual songs are serene as his Lord Bimbo, the 'random-random' GIGI.Bakal reap the same pros and cons then?Exactly two days before Ramadan in 2004 it launched an album titled Reach DENTAL TRIUMPH, a religious album that raised the legendary spiritual songs plus songs by GIGI own. What drives them releasing this album.
The concept of this album has been formulated since one year ago. Departing from concerns over a lack of appreciation DENTAL children of today to the art of breath-Islamic.
"Once I can bring one of those songs in front of Islamic Bimbo's nephew still ABG, and his comments, why bring all cupu song (old) so hell," the story of Armand.
From that experience he concluded that children today may be less familiar with Islamic music because of his taste not quite fit with them. So why is the music and arrangements are not made closer to their tastes, so if they like, will sing and gratitude-gratitude to appreciate the meaning of the lyrics that hung inside.
The process of making the album itself did not experience a significant constraint. Gods who are not Muslim Budjana fully support, because what they are doing it anyway as well as an appreciation of art can be made jointly.
Finally terkumpulah 10 tracks packaged in an album titled Reach for Victory. Eight songs taken from Islamic songs so far are already very familiar. Call songs such as God (Sam Bimbo), Rindu Rasul (Sam Bimbo, Taufik Ismail), When the Hands and Feet Say (Chris, Taufik Ismail). DENTAL itself brought two songs his own creation and gift of Missing You. "Lost Songs from the album are arranged DENTAL ¾ restarted. Incidentally lyrics about divinity. While thy gift of song, created by Thomas, is actually a matter material to the album-9, because the lyrics are also about the divinity to be suitable for inclusion on this album," explains Armand.
Do not be surprised if you find the songs on this album different from the grip most of the songs Islamic. Anyway ngerock exhausted. Lord of the original song and mendayu serene, composed out into ngerock la DENTAL, with the pull of guitar distortion and stuffing brass section. Steady and contain. No doubt if the song is always the anthem in every month of Ramadan was chosen as the hit champion. In the song When the Hands and Feet Say, DENTAL menyuguhkannya with a style that combined rock with rap field. As a result, really thrilling! In the song Lailat Qadar, guitar and drums beaten lauched quick-tempo, with loops - loops that bind screeching vocals Armand.
Not all again carried with style rock. In the majesty of God that the original song is slow tempo, sung by simple with a rhythmic guitar. While as a cover, chosen Reach for Victory, berimama mid tempo song with a rhythm that echoes Takbir bersahut-replication.
With all the music is arranged in such a way DENTAL hoping to go to taste the young fans. Even if there are cons of this work is legitimate. To be sure the music is part of the art, and anyone is entitled to interpret. The important essence of the songs on this album is not reduced in levels.
To support this album, DENTIST ready menggeber tour to more than 15 cities in Greater Jakarta, West Java and Central Java on the tour titled NGABUBURIT MUSIC AND GEMA RAMADHAN. Concert held before breaking the fast will be filled also with famous Dai Gito Rollies and Sujiwo Tedjo. Hopefully what has been attempted DENTAL can be accepted by society as a positive means of entertainment. Amien.
And ... ... ... after the cultivation of two albums as well as dozens of concerts in half in 2004, 'togetherness' Hendy GIGI as an additional player in the official finally proclaimed as the drummer TEETH.Reach for Victory (Repackage)
After the success of spiritual album Reach TRIUMPH released last year, now DENTAL repackage the album. This time, Armand (vocals), Dewa Budjana (guitar), Thomas Ramdhan (bass), and Hendy (drums) added two songs recycling, namely Peace and I'Tiraf. Be the first album which was launched Achieve VICTORY REPACKGE right on September 19, 2005.
What reasons underlie DENTAL repackage the album packaging?
"The labels (SONY BMG) was the one who asked us to release after seeing the success of album sales Achieve Victory. At that time, there are 4 songs offered, and we select a song Peace and I'tiraf. We work on it about four days, exactly before we left for America to hold "DENTAL America East Coast Tour 2005," said Armand.
Why the choice fell on two songs that?
"Song of Peace tuh legend among the songs really Marawis or Qasidah's. And the lyrics are very suited to the conditions of the world, especially the Indonesian people today. There's bombing in Bali, Aceh conditions that have not fully recovered, and many more, "he explained.
Peace song creation Drs. H. Abu Ali Haidar is the original version was loaded with rhythm Marawis dibesut very typical ultra-modern rock DENTAL but without losing the identity of the song.
The I'Tiraf songs, folk songs by Abu Nawas, according to the color of the original music of slow tempo, sung by GIGI very serene, with variations of up tempo beat in Interlude.

DENTAL waterfall in the realm of religious music became their breakthrough success. It starts from the album TRIUMPH Grab a diirilis two days before Ramadan 2004. Made public tantrum heard the song God (Sam Bimbo) which mendayu dibesut become very rock. Likewise, the song Rindu Rasul (Sam Bimbo, Taufik Ismail), When the Hands and Feet Say (Chris, Taufik Ismail). And the breakthrough was a place in society homeland music lovers especially young children. DENTAL mission to introduce Islamic breath music with style and tastes of young people wearing arrangements. Proven in every concert of Ramadan is always packed with fans who memorized almost all DENTAL songs sung.
Hope Reach VICTORY DENTAL repackage these offerings are acceptable as the previous album. Hopefully get into the ears and hearts of fans DENTAL all. Amien.

To support this album, DENTIST ready menggeber RAMADHAN TOUR to more than 20 cities in Greater Jakarta, West Java and Central Java. As a kick off, they menggeber performances on October 4, 2005 at the Theatre Tanah Air - Taman Mini Indonesia Indah at 8pm. They also held a show to a number of boarding schools and children berkolaboraso with local schools.Next Chapter
March 22, 2006 DENTAL right into the number 12 years. A long journey for a band that has experienced ups and downs in the music industry. How did they begin to grow, become large, experienced internal conflicts that led to the turnover of personnel, experienced periods when it became a rock star, to mature in adulthood.
Right at the age of 12 years, they released a new album as a special gift for the GIGIKITA (designation for the fans TEETH). NEXT CHAPTER titled album, packing 11 songs that dibesut in the concept of easy listening music in the wake of minimalist harmonies. A surprise for music lovers when they are normally found DENTAL DENTAL music is thick with the exploration of rock sound now appears more like an invitation to relax and 'let's enjoy the music without having to think. "
Does it intend to leave the grip DENTAL music during their firm grasp this?
Both Armand Maulana (vocals), Dewa Budjana (guitar), Thomas Ramdhan (bass), and Gusti Hendy (drums), agreed to admit this latest album is another than previous albums. According to them the process of making material this album is really done in a relaxed atmosphere and a long enough time span. Start tilled before the release of the album Reach for Victory Repackage, then had a break since the tour to America, to be worked intensely in the last month before it was released.
The atmosphere is relaxing effect on the creative process, so that no doubt led to works that seem more relaxed.
"We do not peg this song must be this or that, but once the results are processed in the studio have the same flavor in a relaxed mood," explained Budjana.
Thomas also concurred. According pembetot this bass a few basic songs are upbeat and rock, but it worked again, the edges beatnya medium.
Whatever the outcome, for sure this album is pure DENTAL current achievement is. Although this album it felt relaxed, the process remains one priority according to the procedure TEETH. As a result, both sound and arrangements maintained kerapihannya. Even the harmony of his rhythm section was more stable in this album. According to Thomas, both himself and Hendy as the holder of rhythm is very communicative. The process of 'going out' that starts from the entry of Hendy in the OST album. Brownies have come to the stage to understand one another. As a result, when the cultivation of the album is relatively easy and 'live'.
The theme of love remains strong on this album, which disclosed a straightforward and candid. For example in the song Certainty That I waited, which became a hit the century, tells of anxiety a person who is waiting for the certainty of love. In addition, the social themes, namely concern for the fate of the nation DENTAL disclosed in the two songs, namely Indonesia and One.
For DENTAL interpret the number 12 years is not grandiose. For those still able to keep playing music, still in a same vision and energy, is a remarkable achievement.Heaven Door
It is indeed a pleasure when we are given the opportunity to be reunited with the holy month of Ramadan 1427 H. For DENTAL band, the opportunity they are not wasted. DENTAL Saatnyalah return to Islamic syiar in their own way. Yes, welcome Ramadan, DENTAL new spiritual album titled HEAVEN DOOR. This is the third time dabbling in the realm DENTAL Islamic music after releasing a successful album Reach for Victory (2004) and Reach for Victory Repackage (2005).
HEAVEN DOOR lists 10 Islamic spiritual songs where most of it is a popular Islamic song re-arranged the music fresh by GIGI with the breath of pop, rock, to punk and new wave.
Single who championed is HEAVEN DOOR. Traditional song originally from Syria is in full dibesut rock with poet Taufiq Ismail took a song lyricist. Taufiq Ismail with his ability to compose the lyrics poetic, tells about the son of man who tried to reach the door of heaven, seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT.
In terms of musicality, DENTAL appear varied. Consider just the Sajadah Long. The song is the original version sung by Bimbo with such serene dibesut with the beat of modern rock. Or in the song Sahur Arrive, AT work. Mahmud, featuring uniquely choir Gigikita (fans DENTAL) player brass section and row. While the song Peace Of Who, DENTAL perform with guest star Andi Rianto serve on the piano. Of the ten songs that exist, two of which are songs by GIGI own. That is Thy Will, which previously included in the compilation album U.S. TO THEM. And a song called Sin Here, where the music was created by god Budjana, and the lyrics worked by Armand.
Judging from the contents of a strong song material, the album PORT OF HEAVEN is expected to achieve such success in the album Reach for Victory. And more importantly, a means syiar alternative for young children of Indonesia.PEACE, LOVE 'N RESPECT
Music is the bonding together. We live for music and also the live music we. At any time until we will continue to have passion in music. This is the recipe that makes us stand up to thirteen years. (Armand Maulana - vocalist TEETH).
In this thirteenth age DENTAL again work through the album titled PEACE, LOVE 'N RESPECT, which is actually a sentence that is always pronounced icon DENTAL them from 1995 and only now finally the sentence which will serve as the album title. Different from previous albums, this time Armand Maulana (vocals), Dewa Budjana (guitar), Thomas Ramdhan (bass), and Gusti Hendy (drums), packaged with an acoustic format (unplugged).
"The idea of making an acoustic album, in fact already emerged from five years ago. Incidentally GIGIKITA (DENTAL fans) too much to ask us to make a format like that. And this is an album that has not been created by GEAR for 13 years in the music Indonesia "said Armand.
If previously DENTAL make acoustic format for a song in one album, now they have to make for a full album. In layman's ear, acoustic music is synonymous with mere genjreng genjrang. Though it requires detailed acoustic packaging and creativity in making the arrangements and sound so that one song with another song that is not the same. So do not imagine how exciting and stressful they mengulik his songs in the studio (special DENTAL reportedly created a new studio by Pos Entertainment, which oversees the management of them, so they concern the album). Hendy said the drummer takes 14 hours to take the recording to sound right. While Budjana should explore with only a guitar string and nylon. Or Thomas who must adjust to his bass line in tune with the beating drums. While Armand who challenged the vocals sound as clean as possible without the sound effects on his voice except reverb and delay.
Do not be surprised if you hear a song that digeber naughty as the first single. This song is laden with ignorance exploration personnel DENTAL each in music and rhythm a little out of the grip DENTAL music. This song was made by accident while waiting for the band DENTAL / rif held a general reherseal for a gig together. Originally this song about global warming, but after the listening session with people - people in the office of Post Entertainment and the suggestion of them, the lyrics changed to be more relaxed about someone who does not resist the seduction of death of a woman.
Satisfied with the song that makes adrenaline ride Naughton, now is the time to loosen the nerves with a number ballad titled 11 January, which was created by Budjana song and the lyrics were written by Armand. Easy listening song has lyrics that are 'in' one of a pair of people who are destined together in love and sorrow. String section accompanied the appearance of the guitar makes this song more beautiful.
Consider the old number creation Thomas, The Return of Love, the song has been performed by Anggun on her latest album before going international. If Anggun bring the style of hard rock era of the 90s is now DENTAL mendaurnya into a cool music full of wailing grief. Here Indra Lesmana was asked to fill out the piano.
The song with the tempo a bit quick to be enjoyed in such numbers off Love or Tuk Tuk Rasa ... ... Love. Two of these songs have an electric mood, but DENTAL implement acoustic style. Not to forget the vintage numbers pushed 70'an style in the song Believe, where there are games Adjie Rao percussion from an increasingly turn on the atmosphere.
Finally PEACE, LOVE 'N RESPECT is not just an album, but the manifestation of positive energy DENTAL in doing business in the music industry without losing self-identity.

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