Vocal Techniques are: How to produce sound is good and right, so the sound that comes out sounding clear, beautiful, melodic, and loud.

1. Articulation, is word for word pronunciation is good and clear.
2. Breathing is an attempt to breathe the air as much as possible, then stored, and released little by little in accordance with purposes.
Breathing in the three types, namely:
Respiratory Chest: suitable for low tones, the singer easily tired.
Abdominal breathing: air quickly exhausted, is less suitable for use in singing, because it will be quickly exhausted.
Diaphragm breathing: is breathing the most suitable for singing, because the air used will be easy to set up its use, has the vocal power and good stability.
1. Phrasering is: A good rule of beheading sentences and correctly so easy to understand and in accordance with the rules and regulations.
2. Body Attitudes: is the position of the body when someone is singing, could be while sitting, or standing, an important respiratory tract should not be disturbed.
3. Resonance is: an attempt to beautify mefungsikan sound with air cavities that also vibrate / vibrate around the mouth and throat.
4. Vibrato is: Efforts to beautify a song by the way memberigelombang / voice vibrate regularly, usually applied at each end of a sentence song.
5. Improvisation is an attempt to beautify the song by changing / adding some melodic songs with a professional, without changing the basic melody.
6. Intonation is high or low a tone that must be reached with appropriately.
The terms of the formation of Intonation is good:
Good hearing
Respiratory control
Musical taste.
NADA is a sound that has a regular vibrations per second.
1. FITCH namely accuracy range tones.
2. DURATION is the length of a tone should be tolled
3. TONE INTENSITY namely hard, soft tones that must be sounded.
4. Timbre of the sound of different colors for each person.
AMBITUS Sound is an area of tones that can be reached by someone.
A professional singer should be able to reach the tones from the lowest to the highest according to ability.
Crescendo is the quiet voice gradually harder.
DESCRESCENDO is loud gradually slow.
STACATO is the voice in singing broken.
1. Adult Women's Vote;
Soprano (high female voice)
Messo Soprano (female voice)
Alto (low female voice)
1. Adult Male voice:
Tenor (high male voice)
Baritone (male voice)
Bass (low male voice)
1. Children's Voices:
Diatonic scales is a series of 7 (seven) fruit tones in an octave that have a high tone of a regular arrangement.
Major Appliances are Households tone diatonic tones that have the distance between tone 1 (one) and ½ (half).
Characteristics of Major diatonic scales:
1. Be merry
2. Spirited
3. Usually begins and ends with a tone Do = C
4. Having a pattern of intervals: 1, 1,. ½, 1, 1, 1, ½
Distinctive Appliances Minor diatonic tones:
1. Less enthusiastic.
2. Is sad
3. Usually begins and ends with a tone of La = A
4. Having a pattern of intervals: 1, ½, 1, 1, ½, 1, 1.
Note: This theory is not in line with a lot of Dangdut music flourished in Indonesia.
Sample song that bertangga tone Major: Forward Not Trembling, traditional Indonesia Raya, independence Day, Halo-halo Bandung, Indonesia Jaya, Garuda Pancasila, the Mars Student.
Sample song that bertangga tone Minor: Thanks, God, Autumn Flowers.
Chromatic scales are scales that have only half the distance between his tone. Example: C - Cis - D - Dis-E - F - Phys - G - Gis - A - Ais - B
WORKERS ENHARMNONIS NADA is a series of scales that have a different name and location, but have the same pitch.
Example: Ais-tone Bes, Cis-Dec, Gis-As, Dis-Ice, Phys-Ges.
APPRECIATION the totality of activities that include vision, observation, assessment, and an appreciation of a work of art.
Bar is fixed knock repeatedly on a song. Example measure:
2 / 4, 3 / 4, 4 / 4, 6 / 8
Presentation CHOIR is composed vocal music dri 15 people or more who combines various voice colors into one unified whole and can reveal the soul song that was delivered.
1. Choir The choir UNISONO ie using a single voice.
2. Choir 2 votes of a kind, that is the choir that uses 2 similar human voice, for example: a kind of Women's Voice, Sounds kind of man, Sounds like the kids.
3. Choir 3 type S - S - A, ie a kind of choir using voice Soprano 1, Soprano 2 and Alto.
4. 3 votes Mixed Choir S - A - B, ie choir menggiunakan 3 votes mixture, for example: Soprano, Alto Bass.
5. 3 choirs similar T-T - B, ie 3 votes choir kind man with a voice Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bass.
6. 4 votes Mixed Choir, the choir mengguanakan mixture of male and female voices, with sound S - A - T - B. Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass.
Conductor / Conductor is the person who led the Choir.
The terms of a Conductor / Conductor good:
1. has the nature of leadership
2. have a strong physical endurance
3. should be physically and mentally healthy
4. sympathetic
5. how to exercise effective control
6. have a good imagination
7. have the knowledge, skills and ability to play music.
DYNAMIC SIGNS is a sign of weeks to declare loud, soft of a song sung. Dynamic Signs Examples:
1. f: forte = loud
2. ff: fortissimo = very hard
3. fff: fortissimo assai = hard as possible
4. mf: mezzo forte = loud setemgah
5. fp: forte piano = start with hard and soft followed
6. p: piano = soft
7. pp: = very soft pianissimo
8. ppp: pianissimo possibile = soft as possible
9. mp: mezzo piano = soft half
- Diminuendo (dim): softening
- Perdendosi: softened up missing
- Smorzzande: little by little lost
- Calando: reducing hardware
- Poco a poco: little by little or slowly
- Cresscendo: loud gradually
- Decrsescendo: gradually softer
SIGN TEMPO is a sign that diguakan to show fast or slow a song should be sung. A. SIGNS FAST TEMPO:
1. Allegro: fast
2. Allegratto: rather rapid
3. Allegrissimo: faster
4. Presto: very fast
5. Presstissimo: as soon as possible
6. Vivase: quick and cheerful
1. Moderato: medium
2. Allegro Moderato: fast medium
3. Andante: slowly
4. Andantino: not quick enough
1. Largo: slow
2. Largissimo: slower
3. Largeto: bit slow
4. Adagio: very slow soulful
5. Grave: very slow sad
6. Lento: very slow connect-relationships.
PERMATA / CORONA is a sign to add a count according to taste.