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Music and Theatre
Views About Music
 Music is known before the 550 years before Christ, even the time of the Greek people have used music as therapy. Human life can not be separated with the rhythm / music. Pulse and heartbeat of Man himself has a special rhythm. The right hemisphere shows activity of working when music is played. The reaction depends on the type of brain shownaffecting music.All systems in the human body is actually run by abody rhythms are very organized and follow a certain pattern. For example:The rhythm of the heartbeat and pulse, the flow of breath, feet, eyes blink, how to talk,language etc. all this is a natural rhythm that diciptakanTuhan.The sound of the voice sounds of nature (sound of wind, rain, water flow, waves, crickets, etc.) and songs - a classic song can make sense to be more t Enang. When the kit is a type of music that is suitable and can hear dit erima by human ubuh t, then t ubuh will react and can cause a sense of pleasure that the body will bestronger and healthier.Those who have high blood pressure or heart disease, shouldfrequently hear soft music, rather than expensive waste of money forpay hospitals and physicians.Definition of musicAnyone can define music. Whatever their definition about all the true and legitimate. Each person will have experience of t ent ang music so that their perspective is mixed. Some like and f ik Anat dangdut music. If it were not dangdut not music. Some like jazz. Experience, environment, ket urunan will membent uk what someone close to the music. Audi Indonesian singer became one of Indonesian pop music iconwhich berbuansakan jasi. When viewed from Audi's history is one of the daughtersItem Yopie Indonesian jazz musicians in the 80s. Similarly, Ivan MansurIndonesian dangdut singer also one of the put ra Indonesian top dangdut singerMansoor S.Music and humans are very close. Some even say thatlife is like music. There are mentions Bethoven compose the music asradiant life force, beam crystallization is born of integrity and totality.
Music became important to people, to whatever, depending respectively. There is music that dibut uhkan unt uk drug. There is music that dibut uhkan unt uk food and clothing. There is music that is needed for entertainment. There's musicneeded to learn. There is music that is needed for science. Etc..Music for entertainmentAfter going through a long process perekmbangan functions ranging frommusic as a means of trips UAL, the healers and so on then the most dominantthe current decade is the music as entertainment. Created music playedexpressed to be enjoyed. With the music people want to melapas tired, with the music people want to eliminate the set pretext kepenat wakt so u work. Even many people membanagun separate room for just menikamti music,term trends have a home treater.As the needs of people will be music and as well as the process of globalization emerged and developed different kinds of music and a variety of ways to enjoy music. Specifically in Indonesia we know various flow ormusic genre.Starting from keroncong music that not a typical product of Indonesia benedespite claiming to be an adaptation Portuguese music. Several experts familiar kroncong Indonesia Mus Mulyadi, Hittites Koes Endang kit that is still known as a singer type keroncong. Song keroncong moresung and studied harder than pop songs.With an acoustic musical instrument that is: guitar, choke, cak, cello, violin, bass and contrasometimes added piccolo which each instrument as if the play itselfbut a single unit makes keroncong has its own beat.Music keroncong there are manifold and there is a pure style keroncong.Style in general to similar songs keroncong song-like rhythmadaptation of the style of Java or Java, with a beat that might be easier.Another type of music developed in Indonesia is dangdut music.Music of this type is very widespread and populist. Almost every country isThere are no kienal tiadak Rhoma Irama and Elvi Sukaesih.Music of this type is more dominant in the first place to the rhythm of the Malaywhen it was pioneered by Mashabi. Rhoma Irama new era emerged in rhythmmelayu dangdut is shifted by the term which is essentially similar rhythmmalay but more energetic. The role of India became the dominant style drums. Even eraRhoma Irama initial t erkesan menkolaborasi dangdut rock music color DeepPurple.
Now music dangdut be menasional in the sense that previously only class of people, now commonly accepted dangdut all levels of society. Meanwhile, if seen the emergence of western music history known to Indonesiavarious types and flow of music.60s is the Beatles that was a landmark revolt t erhadap classical music. In Indonesia came The Beat les Indonesian version of Shania Twain. They carry the pop songs with rhythm variants, ranging from the slow beatup to the high speed beat.On 70 80 t cope appears types of music at au-rock music that often diist ilahkan rock music. Starting from models of Deep Purple, Rooling Stone, Kiss, etc.. Along with that also develops music-pop music which is basically easy toheard and enjoyed.In the decade of 2000s era musical variety of the more complex and increasingly global. Musical creativity to be frosted or enjoy music to be heard in the mix with a typical full-load music music psychology. Music with the power it can affect one's psychology. In fact the music is quite heavy for such didengan music dream t heat re, green day, Sucker head, a rat is a rat-a tend to the music art rockpretty much all interested persons.In Indonesia, even in the last decade banya pop music group group each carrying characteristics. Rice for example is more into pop rock and art nuasa time to make an album that bernuansakan dream theater. Sheila on 7 over pop beats with lyrics that are very popular with teen age children. Included alsoGod is quite controversial with some lyric.Music for theaterMusikdibutuhkan when berteater or when working on a play.Which music or music that how it is often a problem anddebate. During this theater (performing arts) we know(Traditional / modern we-think-) need music. Music that diatonik andpentatonic needed theater. Music is one element of theater .. which ones need a musical theater? Theatre of how that need music? This means that before acquainted with the music should be acquainted with the theater. Or maybe vice versa. The answer may be music first, allowed the theater first. The result? Certainlydifferent.The music is ordinary, we often hear through the cassette, cd, vcd,required theater. Great music, a strange, difficult, monotonous, whichwe create our own and we never heard via tape, CD, and VCD
required theater. There are several processes that must be done while working onmusical theater, namely:1.Pelajari script, if any script. If there is no script, understand the story.2.Ketahui displacement scenes / events-events including its progress3.Ketahui time and mood of each scene / event4.Pahami character each character5. Create music formulations according to the script (time, atmosphere,environmental stories / events and characters figure)How easy is this the musical theater? The answer is Yes. But there are some notes fromnumber and variety of experiences including:1.Sesuaikan ability musical skills in making the formulation.Do not be forced.2.Pelajari karakt er sounds as the basis for music t eater. The sound of a small,soft will create a certain atmosphere that is different from the soundsmall, but keras.Belajarlah on natural sound.3.Pelajari various musical character. Do not be fanatical in particular appliance. Toolstringed musical would create a certain atmosphere, a different toolmusic o'clock. Percussion instruments will also be different from the iron with a musical instrumento'clock from wood or kulit.Belajarlah play various musical instruments.4. It should be understood that the music for the theater can be illustrative tomusicality. This theater, not a musical performance. Although the needRemember also there are opera / operetta5.Biasakan musical theater with a compact / mutual cooperation, mutualrespect, mutual support, both among fellow musicians, as well asmusician to actor. If not able to cooperate better berteaterwithout music, or music that is not related to the theater

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