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JAKARTA - God Bless will change the way musical acceptable for the public, of course, this strategy is expected to reap more revenues than before.

After NATO launched its album (2009), it seems the market reaction is not so frenetic response to the work of this legend band, to have to change strategy to steal the musical community.

"There must be a new revamp, and will surely be different. We still do not follow the market tastes, because changing the character is hard, "said Ian Antono who met at the Hotel Akmani, Central Jakarta, on Monday (4/10/2010).

Ian continued, he and God Bless will abandon traditional ways of gathering the songs and switch to technology-laden manner.

"We still make albums, songs made use of technology, before God bless still analog. In the past it still does not need the money but now yes, "he said.

God Bless latest album will be released next year, the plan will have 4 new songs. The songs that will be the champ in the new album, God Bless still holds social themes as a feature of a true rock band.

"We still raise social themes, the social environment and family love, it's there, but the love two people there, hahaha ..." joke.

JAKARTA-old band God Bless continue to show their existence in the music world. They planned to be performed at the University of Indonesia (UI) next month.

"We have plans next month's gig at UI," said Ahmad Albar when granting compensation to Yayasan Al Kautsar in Jalan Petogogan, Jakarta, Tuesday (07/09/2010)

Ramadan yesterday, God Bless recently completed their tour. Ahmad Albar hope after this feast their other activities.

Regarding the new album, Ahmad Albar admitted they had not planned to release a new album. However, in the near future they will think of their new work. "The new album does not yet, but maybe in the near future we will think again," he concluded.

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