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After the vacuum create new songs since 2004, the group is quite legendary rock band, Power Slaves finally came back with their mini album.
Return of Power Slaves marked with a mini concert titled 'Power Slaves' that was held at United Café, last weekend. They also take advantage of the moment to launch their hit single entitled Do not You Dead.
In addition to their flagship song, this rock band also performed the song Mother Earth as a form of their empathy for victims of disasters and Wasior Merapi.
With a touch of blues rock thick and their approach to current music, Power Slaves tried to present the latest work for rock music lovers, especially the Slavers (call for fans Power Slaves).
"Our motivation mini album, this is our love of music, also to remove the longing of the Slavers on Power Slaves," said Heidy Ibrahim, the vocalist in a release on Monday (12/13/2010)
As a band that has been poor across the Indonesian music arena, Power Slaves of course already has a musicality and performance that no doubt. "Moreover, so long existed in the path of rock music, they have the character and the support of fans (slavers) are quite militant and loyal," said Louise, from Virgo Mobimax
With that consideration, Virgo Mobimax willing to support and cooperate with Power Slaves. "They're a good group and one of rock music legend Soil water. Working with groups such as Slank or Power Slaves, as a label we think baseball needs to be too tired or berstrategi all kinds. Live love support, then RocknRoll Train (Powerslaves management) will progress rapidly, "he said optimistically.
Power Slaves are now rarely appeared on television since 2004, but this rock band regularly appearing on stage-off stage of water. For 2011, Powerslaves already preparing for a tour of several areas in Java and Sumatra. Even before the release mini-album Power Slaves had appeared several cities in Java such as Navan and Semarang.
"And will continue in some areas," said AnwarFatahillah. Sponsored by a tobacco company, plans to come Powerslaves December 14 to 18 will perform in Yogyakarta, Solo, and Waterford.

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