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25 professionally recorded sound clips and musical cues
25 unique sound effects and musical cues, from fireworks to fiddling
No royalties! Use them on your website, in your YouTube videos
Recorded by professional musicians, no fake synthesized effects
Short and sweet for ringtones-trumpet calls, sheep, harp gliss
Works with all Windows operating systems
Banjo chords
Car Not Starting
Car Starting
Cat's Meow
Conch Shell
Dog's Bark
Drum Beat
Fiddle- The Devil's Dream
Fiddle- Shave and a Haircut, two bits
Fiddle- Simple Gifts
Fireworks- July 4 2002
Guitar Chords
Harp Glissando
Piano- Amen cadence
Piano- Chords
Piano- Gliss Down
Piano- Gliss Up
Piano- Here Comes the Bride
Piano- Trouble
Ram's Horn (shofar)
Trumpet- Fanfare
Trumpet- The End
Trumpet- Wah Wah Wah Wah
Sound Effects Set 1 requires a PC running Windows with a working Soundblaster compatible sound card.
Sound Effects Set 2
Scary, Annoying, and Disgusting Sounds!
Warning: People of taste and discretion should avoid this set of sound effects at all costs. We include some of the very sounds that would make you request a different table at a restaurant. Just think what fun you can have with professionally recorded versions of these SFX on Halloween or April Fools Day!
Each of our sound effects was recorded and edited with RipEditBurn Plus- of course!
The Birds Approach: Alfred Hitchcock would have known exactly how to use this sound effect.
Jump Starting Frankenstein: Crank this up loud and it will get you moving, too.
Bat Sounds: It is very difficult to get close enough to bats to get a good recording of them. The individual who showed up on our doorstep with this recording would not tell us how he got it, and, frankly, his appearance (black cape, very strange eyes) was such that we did not press the matter. The dog didn't like him, either.
Sqeaks: If you like fingernails on a blackboard you'll love this one.
Twinkle: She was five years old when she was murdered in the haunted house, now she comes back every All Hallow's Eve to haunt us with her rendition of this folk melody. Mozart did not include this variation in his set.
Hell's Bugle: For waking (and annoying!) the dead.
Flush: Created with an Gerber Ultraflush 1.6 gallon model using one SM Pro Audio Mc01 large diaphram cardiod mic placed 8 inches from the center of activity and a second Mc01 4 feet from the source pointed in the opposite direction to capture authentic room resonance. The mics were routed through a Behringer MX602A mixer and recorded with RipEditBurn.
Belch: After a worldwide talent search we found a 17 year old high school virtuouso to perform this difficult and often perilous effect.
Benny's Torture: A beginning clarinet student to make Mr. Goodman's spin in his grave.
Tooth Sucking: Mere words are inadequate to describe this masterpiece.
Soup Slurping: Perfect for annoying your mother.
Toenails Bite The Dust: Possibly the most annoying sound ever. Add this to a friend's screensaver and watch the reaction.
Special Free Bonus Sounds from Soundelux:
Glass Breaking
Sound Effects Set 2 requires a PC running Windows with a working Soundblaster compatible sound card.
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