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I. Prior Period Christ Basically humans are religious creatures even though he often broke his promise. In human life there is an awareness of the existence of an omnipotent being. Even the most primitive tribes, too, is a religious creature when he tries to fulfill its obligations towards the invisible power of it. Since the beginning of the history of music. always be a unique relationship with humans worship experience.There is ample evidence that the culture of Egypt mennnjukkan, Salain one of the earliest cultures, uses music extensively in religious ceremonies, The Egyptians have a lot of musical instruments, from sistrum to harp with 12 or 13 strings. No doubt, the Greeks, whose culture is not less important to obtain knowledge about music and practice from the Egyptians.The Greeks very much use of music in their religious ceremonies and declared that music affects the moral and human emotion and thought the music came from the gods. them.Although the Hebrews, using music in their worship to Jehovah, but the music was never developed like the Greeks. Hebrews, Greeks do not like, do not connect the music with morality. For the Hebrews, art that is considered important that when used for worship and praise Jehovah.Most of what we know about the worship of the Hebrews in the Old Testament. In it we find a large number of references that prove the importance of vocal and instrumental music in worship of the Hebrews. The word first music written in Genesis 4:21, where Yubal described as a "father, everybody who plays the harp and flute." In the Book. Saints have approximately 13 different instruments, are mentioned, which can be classified as an instrument with strings, wind instruments or percussion. There are a number of singers and songs mentioned in the Old Perjahjian, for example: Songs Miriam (Exodus 15:20-21) Song of Moses (Exodus 15:2) Song Deborah and Barak (Judges 5:3) `Aha Hana greeting song (1 Samue12 :1-10) ueapan song of gratitude and release from the pursuit of Saul, who sung by David (II Samuel 22)All words relating to music, musicians, musical instruments, songs, singers and singing is mentioned 575 times in the whole Bible. Reference relating to the music found and 44 of the 66 books in the Bible. The Book of Psalms consists of 150 articles, is considered originated from a book that contains the song.With the fall of Jerusalem under the authority of the tabernacle of David, and placed in the city, praying that was done to be more lively and equipped with a music performance. Tribe of Levi was assigned to provide services to music and lead worship. Under the leadership of David's choir and orchestra of the first run to be used as part of worship in the tabernacle.When Solomon, David's son, became king and built the first temple, lively, musical performances became increasingly grand Josephus, famous Jewish historian, wrote that in the first Temple there are 200,000 and 200,000 trumpeter robed singers who were trained to participate in worship. II Chronicles chapter five provides a report about the presence of a large number of singers and musical instruments in worship are:After returning from exile in Babylon place, worship in the temple again carried out, with the construction of the Temple, the second. Although the latter is not as beautiful as the first, but it is clear that music performance is part of the worship of the Hebrews. Jewish Talmud explaining the tradition of singing psalms in the second temple.Second Birth of Jesus ChristWith the arrival of a new era, namely the birth of Jesus Christ, a spirit and a new motive, which is not known by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Jews, rnelanda religious consciousness. It is a joy because it has a personal and intimate relationship with God through the person and saving work of His Son, Jesus Christ, worship is no longer confined to the temple or synagogue, but every believer becomes a living temple for God. This is not sema with a demonstration of vibrant and rhythmic that echoed ancient religions: It is a joy accompanied by the worship of Christ's Person.Although most Christians worship in secret because the Roman government oppression, but there is no denying the music has become a natural expression of Christian joy. Church history records that many martyrs who faced death as she hummed a song of praise about their Savior. We see that the music used extensively since the early days of the apostles and the church after the apostles and we can read in Ephesians 6:19, Colossians 3:16, Acts 16:25, den James 5:13.It is true that the main sources, both in the days of ancient Judaism and early Christianity, is the psalm. However, besides that we also find the song of Mary, the Magnificat - Luke 1:46-55; song of Zechariah, Benedictus, Luke 1:68-79; song of the angels, Gloria in Exelsis. Luke 2:14; song of Simeon, Nunc Dimittis - Luke 2:29; singing Jesus - Matthew 26:30. Another hymn singing in the New Testament is Paul and Silas in Kisch of Acts 16:25, and the song of the people redeemed in Revelation 14:3 and 15:3. Music Christian church originally mostly vocal, with little attention to the use of instruments.By allowing Christianity flourished under the reign of Constantine the Great, simple organization of the church, the apostles gradually developed into a system of complex liturgy and worship. During this period St. Ambrose of Milan many encourage the congregation for many praise the Lord. But gradually, fewer and fewer followers personal gain while serving in the worship pastor holds all the details of the liturgy, including the praise in worship.III. MedievalA thousand years later, covering the period from the fourth century until the Renaissance-Reformation period, commonly referred to as the Middle Ages, or medieval darkness by historians. The songs are sung by priests is the development of gospel music's most important from fourth to sixth centuries. Actual origin of these songs is unknown. The leader of the famous musical moment is St. Gregory the Great who lived towards the end of the sixth century. The songs of the church in this period often referred to as "Songs Cregoriari.Seventh century until the Renaissance-Reformation witnessed many events and developments important liturgical music for the Liturgy of the mission created and set consists of two main parts: the Mass General and various parts of a mission. Mass general depend on the emphasis. Other mission types were also developed during this period. Liturgy of the masses is important because it provides musical structures for many choral compositions, both by Catholics and Protestants, during the centuries. One example is B. Minor Mass Bach essay.This mid-century also marked the growth of harmony, which is more advanced than singing along to harmonize the two votes to one vote lebib main melody. The sections of this main melody, which is subjected to as a cantus firmus, generally borrowed from the songs of the early church. Polyphonic and tools to accompany the song used in this music reach a perfect result through music Duu best composer of hymns throughout the ages, namely Palestine from the sixteenth century, and JS Bach, 1685-17b0.IV. Renaissance Reformation PeriodThe next important period in history is the Renaissance-Reformation period from 1450 until 1600. This period was marked by the rise of interest in intellectual and artistic activity. In a religious sense, the Reformation, which reached its climax by Martin Luther with the "95 Theses on the Augsburg Confession" in 1517, very skelter both theologically and musically for all followers of this genre. In those days Christians realize the truth of a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ alone.It is natural that with the presence of a new joy arises the desire to express worship and praise. Congregation sang hymns and the choir is a strength in this new movement. Neither friends nor enemies Luther said that he was gaining more converts melalai barn. utilization and encouragement jernaat song than it does through preaching Luther himself said that music is a gift of God the most good and noble in the world.John Calvin and Zwingli El-ich also realizing the importance of church singing, although not seintensitas Luther. Calvin suggested that music be taught in schools so that they can learn to sing psalms in there and consequently, can sing well in d worship on Sunday. Because the reformers felt that the only songs with background Scripture is right to worship, only the metrical versions of psalms used in the reform wing of the church and sung together. Clement Marot is a character. psalm singers metiikal Mase pads were singing psalms and the book's most skelter is the Book of Psalms Song of Geneva, published in 1562 tabun.V. Seventh Sunday TwelveAt this time in England the Puritans became the main enemy of the Anglican church. They charged that the church was not pure anymore affiliated with the Roman church. They try to reduce the rations of worship as simple as possible, in addition to forming a more democratic church government. The "Puritan developed under the weak government, but if the government, a strong, their influence continues to retreat.Practices of the Puritan faction that opposed the ordinance of worship primarily due to the teachings of Calvin Bohn. Often, his followers became more fanatical than the leader himself: As a follower of Calvin, they accept the Bible as the basis for all the rules, accept only metrical psalms sung together, refusing choirs, and church organs, and they use tactics, radical and cruel to achieve their goals. This is a black sheet in the history of the church. At that time many ancient shrine was destroyed, broken glass, colored glass, ornaments were destroyed, libraries and church organs also destroyed.With the restoration of law Stuart, Charles II and setting back the liturgy of the Anglican church, developed a form of music; the church hymn taken from the Scriptures (anthem).Modern form of the anthem in English is much influenced by. one of British composers - famous, Henry Purell. Anthem in its current form is a mixture of ancient and kantata German motet.VI. Twelve Eighth CenturyEighteenth century were ready to accept a new hymn of Isaac - Watts, 16741748, which is often referred to as "Mr. Song Praise" and music: the driving spirit of the Wesley family.Isaac Watts uses his praise song to summarize his sermon and expressing Calvinistiknya theology. He strongly believes that because the song of praise is a sacrifice to God, then everyone has to sing it yourself. If the singing of psalms to be used assert that the song should be Christianized and modernized. Some of her work is: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross", "Jesus Shall Reign Wherever The Sun".Wesleyan movement is causing sparks beser-scale revival in England. They fought against agnosticism and songs introduced by the Wesley family is an important factor in the revival Emitter. John as a preacher, and Charles as a musician to write and translate the 6500 song of praise, though most now are not used anymore. Theology they opposed the emphasis on "choice" of the teachings of Calvin. They compose songs of praise on almost all facets of the Christian experience with great warmth and conviction. Eighteenth century also generate other forms of spiritual music, namely Oratorio. Although Heinrich Schuitz and then J.S. Bach had composed many musical drama known as the Passion Music, which describes the suffering Christ, but George Frederick Handel, 1686-1759, the first to write a dramatic spiritual music in English. Oratorionya the most famous, The Messiah, the first time in Ireland pads dipagelarkan taun 1742. Another famous Oratorio Composer is: Franz Joseph Haydn who created the Creation and Felix Mendelssohn who created The Elijah.VII: Nineteenth CenturyWhile most songwriters of praise in the 17th century and 18th create musical compositions that are full with their doctrinal beliefs, the hymn composer of the 19th century was influenced by the spirit of the Romantic century who intend to improve the quality of literature from lagulagu compliment. One of the songs on the composition ser tonight is Reginald Heber who created the song "Holy, Holy, Holy."On July 14, J833 a new religious movement emerged in Britain as the Oxford Movement or dance Trac. The movement is trying to establish a more devout worship solemnly with the use of music in worship. This movement maintains the theory of universal and apostolic church, as taught by Christ himself. This movement gave a lot of influence on Protestant churches with the formation of a choir of children, use of robes, and other complicated ritualistic practices, such as the use of the emblem, the procession, and singing at the end of the worship service.VIII. Hymns in the United StatesIn the U.S., migrants use their psalms used in the UK, with the thought that God would be offended if they use iagu compliment me that does not fit with what is written in Scripture. In the 18th century and early 19th century, lagulagu praise from Watts, Wesley began to be accepted in the churches in England. It is interesting to note that in early U.S. history, between the years 1620-1820, only one U.S. composer composed songs that are still to be found in song books today. The song I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord written by Timothy Dwight.Perhaps one of the different forms of song treasures donated in songs of praise in the U.S. is the emergence of gospel songs (gospel songs). People say that a lot of gospel songs originated from spiritual songs and Sunday School from the 19th century. Gospel songs get a real boost during the second half of the 19th century with evangelistic efforts conducted by DL Moody and Sankey Iran.IX. A view to the Past, The Now, and FutureA study of long time ago revealed that Christian churches have inherited a wealth of music throughout New century sources such as: translation of hymns Greek and Latin, and hymn singing to the choir of the Reformation period; metrical psalms which included Calvin , Marot, and the psalm singers of that era; song paean Watts, Wesley containing elements of "tranquility humane" and composer of the 17th century and 18 others who have a strong doctrinal teachings, gospel music from the 19th century and into -20, especially very useful for evangelism and business end of the 19th century and the 20th with a strong emphasis on Christian behavior and social responsibility to the Gospel. A good church hymns should represent all the elements of good composition. aesa now and into the future shows a lot of trends that will dominate the evangelical church music. More and more Bible schools, colleges and seminaries which gives emphasis and penganjaran about church music more than ever before. "Lately more and more church leaders interested in developing their ecclesiastical music. There are several seminars about music. More and more churches are realizing the importance of the choir and for that preparation must be done at an early age, ie since the Sunday School, and according to age groups. Forever, for music and education have hubungam closely, an integrated music program at church is an important tool for developing a strong Christian education program. However, we need to admit that still, many of which must be addressed.X. ConclusionKenneth W. Osbeck in his book The Ministry of Music states that to achieve an effective music program and intact in the church usually requires effort and patience. Usually there are many obstacles facing, such as: negligence satisfied with myself, the lack of music education background, traditions, pre-thought. Perhaps also a leader in church music is not up to see tangible results of his leadership in church music ministry.And one more thing to keep in mind that good music and great music program is not the main goal in life berjemaat. Therefore the church music program should be focused to attract individuals to the work of salvation that Christ has given and then lead them to a fuller Christian life and filled with the Holy Spirit (TRA).

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