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This timeRayicsgavethe title'Hop3'onnew album.You could say,'Hop3'is thealbum'RANreally'andthey are morehonestandsatisfied.
"Wereturntoourbasicngerjainsongs,honestand simple.On thesecond albumwe aretryingreallytoshowmusicality.Buta lot oflistenercommentsthatsaywhyevensocomplicated.Sohere(the album-3)weagainmakethe firstkayak,"Nino saidwhenmetatFXPlaza,Senayan,SouthJakarta, on Friday(01/21/2011).
On thethirdalbum, theRANisreallyindependent.Theyaloneareproduced,arrangedandmakesongs.Not to mentionthedigital effectsandsoundsodifferent.
"Soarguablythisalbumwereally.We preferdigitalandsoundnyachoosesides.We will alsopass upsomethingthathad never been.The execution ofthreemonths,"saidRayi.
For theopening song,theychosethe song'StealHeart'with the themeof lovebetweenthe opposite sex.Butthat does not meanthealbumthis timeRANcontinues toexploreaboutlove.
"Butthere arealsosongsaboutbicycles,keptdancingwithmeandothers,"saidNinowhoalsosaid thealbumwill be releasedFebruary 232011.
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