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BassistbandDewa19,AhmadDhaniYukefollow in the footstepsof othermusicianstoorbittheIndonesian music scene.Yukeclaimedhis sidebandisdifferent fromother bandsthatareemerging.
Yuke's musical tastesdo notdenythatIndonesiais stilldominatedbythe popgenre.But thebanddared toexplorefurthercareso as to providedifferentshadesof pop.
"FinallyImwengikutitrailDhani.Mustdiakuinhehitstheprinter,bands andartists,"saidYukesidelinesshootingvideo clips ofthe bandPinocchio'Wrong'onWildlifeRoad,SouthJakarta, on Friday(01/21/2011).
FormerhusbandKikan'Chocolate'isto admit thathelearneda lotfromAhmadDhani.According to him,frontmanDewa19itcanmanagewithboththe RepublicCintaManagement(RCM)hers.
"Itseemsagoodchanceformeto do business,in addition tomyperformingandmycaring for them,"he added.
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