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Bassist band Dewa 19, Ahmad Dhani Yuke follow in the footsteps of other musicians to orbit the Indonesian music scene. Yuke claimed his side band is different from other bands that are emerging.

Yuke's musical tastes do not deny that Indonesia is still dominated by the pop genre. But the band dared to explore further care so as to provide different shades of pop.

"Finally I mwengikuti trail Dhani. Must diakuin he hits the printer, bands and artists," said Yuke sidelines shooting video clips of the band Pinocchio 'Wrong' on Wildlife Road, South Jakarta, on Friday (01/21/2011).

Former husband Kikan 'Chocolate' is to admit that he learned a lot from Ahmad Dhani. According to him, frontman Dewa 19 it can manage with both the Republic Cinta Management (RCM) hers.

"It seems a good chance for me to do business, in addition to my performing and my caring for them," he added.

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