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Bill Clinton Wishes Lil Wayne a Good Life
AFP / Getty Images, WireImage
After serving eight months at Rikers, Lil Wayne has been released from jail today, and President Bill Clinton, who has been turned on to hip-hop and rap music by his daughter, is happy for him. "This guy's smart, and he's got abilities and he's got a new chance now," Clinton said Tuesday on Pittsburgh's 96.1 Kiss FM. "What I hope will happen is that he has a good life now." Speaking about rappers in the biz, the first O.G. president heeded a warning to Weezy: "They're really smart, but a lot of them have had tough lives and they almost think it's cool to get in trouble every now and then." Maybe Lil Wayne will take that hard-won advice from the Bad-Boy-in-Chief himself and play it straight.

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