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Asreported bytheofficialaccountonTwitter,BlocPartycame together againonChristmas Dayyesterday.The groupconsistsofvocalistKeleOkereke,bassistGordonMoakes,guitaristRussellLissackanddrummerMattTong,suddenlyappearedandtook a picture togetherto givethe message"MerryChristmasfrom theBloc."
Althoughat this timethepersonnelhas abusyindividualbutearlierthis yearOkereketoldNME,"I amnot surewhether theBlocPartywill bebacktogetheragain,butwhoknewwe hadchemistrythisyearandre-join?"
Okerekeearlier this yearreleased his debutsolo album, titledTheBoxer.LikewiseMoakesandLissakwhichhasa side projecthardcore band,YoungLegionnaireandalsoduoPinMeDown.AlsoLissakalsoworkedas atouringguitaristAshsinceBlocPartystopoperating.
The planOkerekewillperforminJakartaonWednesday, December 29tomorrowin theformat ofDJsets.He willappearin theBlowfishKitchenandBaratWismaMulia,Jakarta.The tourformatfeaturingDJsetsareonlyfrontmanKelewho is nowasolo artists.Limited number ofpresaleticketshave been soldsincelast Novemberonandsold forUSD100 thousandandUSD150 thousandinthe D-day.
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