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Everyone in this country like no exception colossal support for the National football team will compete against Malaysia tonight. These include Naif in concert last night (28/12) in the event piqued Traxkustik All Star Edition, held Trax FM 101.4 radio station.
A variety of silly chatter typical of David that essentially supports the National Team was flowing from his mouth. The most stable are when with gusto at the end of the number "I'm Real" he shouted, "Down with the achievements of Malaysia!" From the stage events held at Epicentrum Walk, Kuningan, Jakarta.
Spontaneous only "command" David was immediately greeted by thousands of spectators shouted in unison previously pleaded concert encore by yelling "more, more, more ..." to the band's retro pop Indonesia. Finally Naif memungkas concert last night with the classic hit "Racing Car" which was greeted noisy mass choir in the audience.
Because of his spirit, at the end of the song David even open shirt and a white shirt to show results pergelutan topless body during the time in the gym. Several women spectators were screaming hysterically look so David did this unexpected action.
Not only Naif National Team which appear encouraging, several artists who perform in concert piqued Traxkustik like Superglad All Star Edition, The Upstairs, J-Rocks also do the same.
Lukman, vocalist / guitarist Superglad even continue to burn throughout the concert spirit of the audience to continue supporting the national team even though in the first leg final match at the Bukit Jalil Stadium, Kuala Lumpur, our team lost to Malaysia 3-0.
Superglad appearance last night also received a rousing response when he was commanding for thousands of spectators held up their middle finger which promptly responded Lukman with shouts, "Let's slaughter the team Rajagobal tomorrow!" This action was greeted warmly by the mass of slogans as if the concert being held in the Stadium Bung Karno.
Superglad besides bringing the hit numbers like "D4ll4ys" and "One" also menggeber number "Let's Rise" from the third Superglad album, When the Heart Talk, who was specifically intended for the National Team.
Inevitably AFF Cup euphoria felt strong enough last night at the concert piqued Traxkustik All Star Edition which also previously by penampila-toned appearance from Alexa, Soul ID, Endah N 'Rhesa, Soulvibe, The Banery, Goose and the Wolf.
Before Naif also appear Greenhouse Effect which opened the concert with "Love is merely" then be continued with "On Air" and featured along with collaboration with former vocalist / guitarist AFTERNOON, Ade Paloh. Bass player Adrian does not appear that night and was replaced by Hans temporary position, ex-personnel C'mon Lennon and The Upstairs.
Finally concert piqued Traxkustik All Star Edition has ever awarded the Best Event of the Rolling Stone's Editors Choice Awards 2009 closed with a performance so special about the rock band champions, / rif that since digelarnya Cup AFF is known as a staunch supporter of the National Team and several times to support direct GBK Stadium.

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