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iwan was born on 3 September 1961. My mother said, when I was a monthly, every time I hear the sound maghrib prayer I always cry. I do not know why until now I still cry xylophone. Let so-so, I'm the person gently and easily moved. For example, watching the news on television that some people proclaim success and obtain recognition of his achievements, I could cry. Seeing a mother who shows her love for her son, can also make me touched and then cry

Talk to my music career, starting when I was active ngamen in Bandung. Ngamen I started when I was 13 years. At that time I was a junior. I'm learning to play the guitar from friends nongkrongku. If they play the guitar I like attention. But want to ask shame. One day I was desperate to play guitar. But even broken strings. I scolded.
Since then, the guitar as recorded strong in my memory. Genesis was once an impression on my memory.
I used to school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, at the Embassy for 8 months. Incidentally there was a brother of my parents who do not have kids. Because people live in the country, I feel the desperate need of entertainment. Entertainment to me is the only guitar that I brought from Indonesia. At that time there were two songs that I always play, the pair of eye balls and Waiya.
When returning from Jeddah Hajj season pass. If people on the plane on take-zam zam water, I'm just carrying my favorite guitar. In the course of the flight from Jeddah to Indonesia, my guitar knowledge increases. Seeing there is a small child carrying a guitar on the plane, made a surprise flight attendant. The stewardess then came over and borrowed my guitar. But once new will play, flight attendants were amazed. You see my guitar sound fals. "Kok kayak gini steman her?" he asked. At that time, though it could be a little bit I was not able to nyetem guitar. After correcting my guitar, then taught me that flight attendants play a song Blowing in the Wind was Bob Dylan.
Left school in the Junior 5 Bandung I also had an interesting experience with the guitar. Once, a teacher asked if anyone could play the guitar. Although it was not so smart, but because there are girls who are good at playing guitar, I offer myself. "Prestige dong," I thought at that time. So I become the guitar player in my school vocal group.

"Kegandrunganku" on the guitar continues. At that time friends mainku also likes to play guitar. Usually they play the songs the Rolling Stones. Seeing my friends play guitar whiz, I'm so jealous of its own. I wanted to play guitar like them. Rather than not be accepted in society, while I can not play the songs the Rolling Stones, I'm desperate to play my song itself. Let that bad, the important songs own creations, I thought.
To attract the attention of my friends, I make the songs lyrics, funny, humor, joke-joke, damaging the track. Start my friends in laughter listening to my song.
Having felt could make a song, let alone can make people laugh, the desire to find more listeners. If there was a celebration, wedding, or circumcision, I come to sing. Formerly manager Engkos, the craftsman garage motorcycle. Because working in a workshop that many people visited, he always knew when people had a celebration.
In junior high I've felt the influence of music is so powerful. Maybe because I do not have money, not given a vehicle from parents to the streets, eventually more attention devoted to the guitar. My school did not start correctly. Often truant, then change schools.
I felt the guitar could answer my loneliness. Especially when it feels it can make a song, can money from ngamen, start me arrogant. But actually everything was done to make friends, to be accepted in the association.
One time someone came to Bandung from Jakarta. At that time I realized that was already well-known songs that I put myself in Jakarta. I mean many young people who play that song. In fact he said there who recognize the song creations.
Before the people of Jakarta can offer the producer acquaintances come to Bandung, I actually had never been recorded in the Radio 8 EH. I make the last song played on the radio. But the radio was later banned.
After the arrival of Jakarta, on the advice of my friends, I went to Jakarta. At that time I was in school at the SMAK BPK Bandung. Prior to Jakarta I sell my motorbike to make a master. I'm not alone. I'm with friends from New York: Toto Gunarto, Helmi, Bambang Bule incorporated in the Ambulance.
We then recorded. Apparently the tape did not sell. Yes, already, I ngamen again, sometimes join the festival. Once you can win at country music festival, I joined the festival song of humor. Chance to numbers. By Arwah Setiawan (deceased) and humor songs recorded, produced Handoko. Name of company ABC Records. I'm recording with others, same Pepeng (now a quiz show host's fingers, so MC, etc.), Krisna, and Nana Krip. But this recording was not so successful. Remain a minority. Only eat certain circles, such as young children.
Finally I was recording at Studio Musica. Prior to the Musica, I've been recording about 4 to 5 albums. After recording in Musica it, my music started to work on more serious. Bachelor album, for example, the music is handled Willy Soemantri.

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