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JAKARTA-rock band Powerslaves not worry fans abandoned them, even the last six years has stalled. For them, the fans just fall asleep for a moment alone.

"Yes, staying just woken Mas," says vocalist Powerslaves, Heydi Ibrahim, relaxed when talking with Legal in Jakarta, Wednesday (15/12/2010).

Heydi said, Powerslaves which has stood since 1991 has had thousands of rabid fans from all over Indonesia. With the vacuum Powerslaves, slaver believed to only fall asleep for a moment.

Mini-album titled 'Do not You Dead' this is indirectly addressed to wake them the slavers, Powerslaves is back again.

What is important now, continued Heydi, live how to maintenance the fans who had never existed. "Just woken up," she said.

Icha of Rock n Roll Train management to add, since management was established in October 2010 and then, maintenance has been done to the fans through a variety of ways. Either through facebook, social networking or other means.

So far, there have been two thousand fans joined in the facebook account Powerslaves. In fact, there are also some other facebook accounts created slaver, like making a facebook account Powerslaves fans club Semarang, Medan, Surabaya, Jember, and others.

Heydi continued, Virgin label actually get Powerslaves not like getting a new band. Because PS has never existed and has many fans. Icha added, some time before they ever buy 500 mini album Powerslaves and sell directly to fans. "Within three days are all gone," he said.

This proves, says Heydi, that the slavers are still there and exist, only had time to doze off. (UKy)

Heydi 'Powerslaves' Want to MAKE Comic Life Travel

After launching a mini-album titled 'Do not You Dead', vocalist Powerslaves, Heydi Ibrahim, plans to create a comic about his life journey.

"In it there must be traveling on Powerslaves," said when talking with the Legal Heydi recently.

Heydi said, in addition to his experience during the joint with Powerslaves, Heydi also wanted to share the story of his life. Including a number of controversies that color.

He was inspired, the number of people who come to him to ask him to tell about the experience to help cure their problems.

"Does anyone have a conflict came to me and asked me to share the experience of life, ask for tips so they are enlightened," he said.

With the existence of this comic, Heydi feel no need everybody to come to him again. Simply reading these comics. "From the experience of living it, please translate itself,"he concluded. (UKy)

Powerslaves Make Next Year The Best Album

After the comeback with a mini-album titled "jangan kau mati", Powerslaves plans to make the best album of next year.

This was revealed by vocalist Powerslaves, Heydi Ibrahim when talking with Legal, Tuesday (12/14/2010).

In the best album, the plan will be filled with old songs that have become hits in their fifth album. Coupled with some of their new songs.

However, continued Heydi, until now has not determined any old song will be included in the album are the best. "To be sure, it must be sealed first," he said.

To be sure, the old songs that never became hits will be put back on request to their fans. "Because of our fans was having trouble finding old songs Powerslaves, so asked for one CD the best," he continued. (UKy)

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