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Achmad Albar born in Surabaya, July 16, 1946 Indonesia is known as a rock icon, who since 1973 until now still remain loyal to the group rocknya God Bless. Achmad Albar musical blood dripping from his father Syech Albar who led the orchestra Gambus Al-Wathan. Albar disibak entertainment world as a child star in films Kantjil Generals in 1957, in the age of 11 tahun.Saat it Iyek, thus her nickname is also incorporated in a boy band with the name Star Remadja and had become participants Boy Band Festival in the Field Banteng.Di Jakarta Achmad Albar together in 1959 had become a singer Titi Qadarsih Quarta tone. In half of the 60's Achmad Albar migrated to the Netherlands and still play band.Antara years 1966-1967 Iyek joined the band Take Clover Leaf Five.Lalu joined between 1967-1972 and released several singles on Polydor Records and has gained popularity in Europe. By Christmas 1972, Albar visited Jakarta with Ludwig Loetje LeMans, guitarist Clover Leaf for a vacation. But seeing the condition of stage shows in a lively Jkarta make Albar and LeMans was moved to form a band. In 1973 God Bless formed after recruiting Donny Gagola (bass), Fuad Hasan (drums) and Yockie Surjoprajogo (keyboards). The establishment of God Bless marked with a concert at Taman Ismail Marzuki on May 5, 1973. God Bless immediately skyrocketed, especially after appearing in a concert grand Summerâ € ™ 28 in Ragunan Pasar Minggu along with dozens of famous Indonesian artists and bands. In 1977, Achmad Albar duet with Ucok Harahap from AKA Group under the name Duo frizzy and released 4 albums in Irama Tara and Musica Studioâ € ™ s.Duo frizzy even produce a movie titled Duo frizzy (1978) made by director Edward Feast Sirait.In 1979 Achmad Albar solo career by releasing an album dangdut Zakia (Sky Records) who reap the controversy. Moreover, the music actually tilled by Ian Antono, guitarist God Bless. But Zakia precisely explode and become a new phenomenon in music dangdut. Entering the '80s, more precisely Achmad Albar released various solo albums with a variety of music ranging from Ian stylist Antono, Fariz RM, areng Widodo until Addie MS. Entering the era of the 90s, Achmad Albar joined in the rock group Gong 2000 Ian Antono.Dan initiated towards the end of the era of the 90s, along with his younger brother Achmad Albar Camelia Malik joined the group dangdut Trakebah contemporary with Indra Lesmana, Dewa Budjana, Mates and Gilang Ramadan. Trakebah also had a chance to make an album that has so far never released.
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