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Lets you correct individual notes within chords, refashion sample licks, change chords after recording, and more.
Melodyne editor is the first Celemony product to offer the revolutionary Direct Note Access (RDNA) technology. This makes possible what had previously been considered impossible—access to individual notes in polyphonic audio material. Correct wrong notes in a piano recording; change the chords in a guitar accompaniment after the recording is over; refashion a sample lick. Melodyne editor lets you do things with your digital audio which, until now, you could only dream of. Massive Freedom
With Melodyne editor you can edit your audio material in an intuitive and flexible way. Simply move an audio note to a different pitch or a different position. Make notes longer or shorter, louder or softer. Delete notes from chords or add new ones by copying. Transpose or quantize your material, create from it melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic variations. Once you've experienced the power to reshape audio in this way, you won't want to live without it. The Best of Company
Melodyne software is at home in all the great studios of the world and can be heard on countless productions. Leading producers are of one voice in praising the sound quality, flexibility, swiftness, and reliability that Melodyne brings to their day-to-day work. Melodyne editor continues this great tradition, and with DNA Direct Note Access, permits completely new applications that make Melodyne still more indispensable. A New Audio Age
Melodyne editor with DNA Direct Note Access represents a quantum leap in audio editing and the logical continuation of the musical approach for which Melodyne is known. Direct Note Access will change the way we work with audio. A new, simpler, and more creative audio age is dawning, and with Melodyne editor, you're in at the start.

First Take: Final Take
That inspired first take can, with Melodyne editor, be the final one, even if it wasn't error free. Simply reach into the recording and move wrong notes to the correct place or erase them. You can even correct intonation or timing errors automatically by macro if you wish, even if the material is polyphonic. Perfect Vocals
Melodyne has proved itself a thousand times in the correction and optimization of vocal recordings. Melodyne editor with Direct Note Access offers still greater mastery of this high art: intonation and timing problems, unsteady volume, exaggerated or weak vibrato—all that can be corrected with a few mouse clicks. And the sound quality is Melodyne's best ever. Perfect Timing
With Melodyne editor, it's child's play to get things spot-on. You can adjust effortlessly and continuously the extent to which a performance deviates from metronomic precision and even give recordings a totally different rhythm. When quantizing, Melodyne not only moves individual notes but also adjusts their length, even when the material is polyphonic. That guarantees results of unprecedented musicality. Sound Library Reloaded
With Melodyne editor, much will change, including your sound library, which will become virtually infinite in extent. Since you'll be able to alter at will the tempo, timing, melody, and harmonies of your sampled licks and phrases — adding or deleting notes as you please — you'll always have perfect samples to hand for the production you're working on. You'll also get as many variations as you wish. No Detours
Melodyne editor operates directly within your audio workstation. You hear all edits in the context of the other tracks of your project and can use as many instances as you like and your computer will allow. For the swift editing of a sample between times, you can open Melodyne editor in standalone mode without having to start up your audio workstation first. Polyphony à la carte
With Melodyne editor, whether a track is monophonic or polyphonic is not a fact, but a condition you have the creative freedom to override. Copy or cut notes, and paste them in new locations. You can implement doubling, create second voices, construct chords where none were there or thin out harmonies that are unduly dense. Recycling Perfection
Since with Melodyne editor, the melody, harmony, tempo, and timing of audio material can be reshaped at will, you can always find a new home for recordings in your archive. You could, for example, take a guitar track from an old recording, change the key and tempo, add a light shuffle, and integrate it seamlessly into your current project. Design Right Down to the Details
Access to the individual notes offers totally new freedom in sound design. You can, for example, alter the volume or formant spectrum of individual notes in order to give chords a different coloration and character. By copying and pasting, you can even swap sounds — replacing, for example, the piano sounds of a chord with marimba sounds, even if they were taken from a totally different chord.
Celemony Melodyne editor Software Features:
  • Single-track audio editing environment with Melodyne technology
  • Suitable for monophonic, polyphonic and rhythmic/complex audio material
  • Offers, with RDNA direct, access to individual notes within chords
  • Works as a plug-in (VST, AU, RTAS) in compatible DAWs under Mac OS X and Windows
  • Can also be used in standalone mode
  • Activation on up to two computers or via iLok
  • User interface and manual in English, German, French, Spanish, and Japanese

  • Manual or automatic correction of intonation and timing errors
  • Refashioning of melodies, harmonies, timing, and rhythms
  • Transposition including adjustment to scale
  • Modifying various note parameters such as volume, vibrato, formant spectrum
  • Pitch-shifting and time-stretching
  • (Re-)quantization
  • MIDI file export

    Monophonic and polyphonic material
  • In the case of monophonic (solo voice, saxophone, bass guitar) and polyphonic (piano, guitar) audio material, the following possibilities exist for editing notes:
  • Modifying the pitch, pitch drift, pitch modulation, position, length, volume, the pitch of any transition between notes, the volume of any transition between notes
  • Shifting the formant spectrum
  • Shifting the formant spectrum of any transition between notes
  • Timing (re-)quantization, manually or via macro
  • Pitch-quantization, manually or via macro
  • Cut, copy and paste
  • If, in the case of polyphonic material, two or more instruments play a note of the same pitch on the same beat, one note only, representing the combined sound of the instruments in question, is available for editing (no separation of instruments)

    Rhythmic and Complex Material
  • In the case of rhythmic and complex material, separation is according to beats, so if several notes (e.g. click and snare) sound on the same beat, they are available for editing in the shape of a Melodyne blob. For such blobs, the following editing possibilities exist:
  • Modifying the pitch (relative), the position, the length, the volume, the volume transition between blobs
  • Shifting the formant spectrum
  • Shifting the formant spectrum of transitions between blobs
  • Timing quantization, manually or via macro
  • Cut, copy, and paste
Celemony Melodyne editor Software Specifications:
  • System requirements
  • Dual (Core) PowerPC G5 or Intel Dual Core processor, 2GB RAM, OS X 10.4 or later

    Intel or AMD Dual Core processor, 2GB RAM, Windows XP (SP2 or SP3), Windows Vista or Windows 7, ASIO-compatible audio hardware


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