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An intelligent automatic accompaniment program with extra add-ons for more inspiration.
The award-winning Band-in-a-Box Pro 2010 for Windows includes Band-in-a-Box 2010, RealBand 2010, Pro RealCombos: 12 RealTracks in 3 Bands (Jazz Swing 140, Pop/Rock 120, and Country Ballad 85) and RealDrums Set 1, plus Styles Sets 0-3, Soloist Set 1, and Melodist Set 1. If you are looking for the basic music software package, without a lot of extra add-ons, this is the purchase for you.

PG Music's Band-in-a-Box 2010 Music Composition Software Band-in-a-Box is an intelligent automatic accompaniment software program, which means that you can go from nothing to complete song arrangements in as little as a few seconds. Simply enter chords to a song, choose a style of music, and Band-in-a-Box does the rest, generating a full band arrangement complete with Bass, Piano, Drums, Guitar, Strings, and more. You can arrange, listen to, or play along with songs in hundreds of musical styles. The MIDI and audio tracks that Band-in-a-Box 2010 creates are automatically played out through your computer's built-in sound card or synthesizer, and the music notation is displayed in a lead sheet window.

PR Music's Band-in-a-Box 2010 is a unique and flexible program with a broad range of uses. It is a powerful and creative music composition tool for exploring and developing musical ideas with near-instantaneous feedback. Amaze friends and family by coming up with your own original songs in as little as a few minutes. Band-in-a-Box 2010 is also an excellent educational tool, used both by professional musicians to sharpen their skills, and as a learning aid by people with little or no musical background. It's also an essential music composition program for practicing your instrument in a full band setting—you play your instrument while PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2010 takes the place of the other members in your band. You can also use Band-in-a-Box just to have fun.

While the basic concept behind Band-in-a-Box has remained the same since it was first conceived over 20 years ago, hundreds of innovative features have been added. The list of things that you can do with this audio production software is endless. The Soloist, Melodist, and Audio Chord Wizard are shining examples of its additional intelligent features. The Soloist generates professional quality solos over any chord progression. The Melodist can create entire songs from scratch with chords, melodies, intros, and solos (even a title). The Medley Maker can combine songs to create interesting medleys. The Audio Chord Wizard can figure out the chords in any audio file (WAV files, MP3, WMA, etc.).

In addition to these and many more amazing features, over the years Band-in-a-Box has expanded from originally being a jazz-oriented program, to encompass a diverse range of musical genres including pop, rock, latin, country, classical, world, blues, bluegrass, New Age, techno, metal, and much more. There is something for everyone. Over 1700 styles are currently available from PG Music and more are always being developed, many based directly on customer requests. Moreover, since each style is a large database of musical patterns and ideas, the song arrangements will always be fresh, never sounding exactly the same each time.

How to make a song
It's easy to get started using Band-in-a-Box. Here are the basic steps you might use to put together a song from start to finish.

Input chords for your song. Choose a key/tempo and set the number of bars/choruses/loops, etc. You can type in the chord symbols using the computer (QWERTY) keyboard, however it's also possible to enter chords in other ways: You can play the chords from a connected MIDI keyboard and use MIDI Chord Detection, you can use the built-in Chord Builder, and you can even have Band-in-a-Box 2010 figure out the chords in any MIDI or audio file. The chords that you input can include common chord symbols such as C7, Cm, and Cmaj7, or more complex chords such as Csus#5#9 and C7#5b9#11. Over 100 chords are supported, plus you can enter an alternate root for any chord (slash chord).

Next, choose a style of music using the StylePicker Window. You can quickly and easily preview your song in many different styles, or you can listen to original demo songs for any of the PG Music styles available. Styles will use up to five tracks for the accompaniment, depending on what is suitable for that specific style. For example, a classical style might only use the Piano track, while a rock style may use Bass, Drums, and Guitar. You can also choose a style made entirely of RealTracks and you wont hear any MIDI at all&mdashl;your song will sound like it was recorded by professional studio musicians.

You can arrange your song using automatic intros, 2-bar endings, substyle variations, drum fills, intelligent chord substitutions, pushes, shots, rests, and more. Press Play to have Band-in-a-Box 2010 instantly develop an original arrangement for your song, which is played back through the sound card or MIDI synthesizer of your choice. For playback, you can use a software synth (stand-alone/DXi/VSTi) such as the VSC-DXi included with Band-in-a-Box, or a hardware synth (sound card synth/MIDI keyboard/sound module). In addition to MIDI tracks, Band-in-a-Box also generates original audio tracks called RealDrums and RealTracks.

Input your own instrumental melody/solo track using an external MIDI keyboard, or by using your computer mouse and keyboard in the Editable Notation window. Or, have Band-in-a-Box create the solo and melody for you using the Melodist and Soloist.

Record an audio track. You could use a microphone to record yourself singing, then harmonize your vocal track using the built-in audio harmonizer. Make an audio CD of your music! Render your song to a wave file and burn a CD, then play the CD in any standard CD player.

RealBand 2010 for Windows: Your All-in-One Audio Workstation and Accompaniment Program
RealBand is a fully-featured and powerful music arranging, sequencing, and digital recording program. RealBand combines the most popular features from PG Music's PowerTracks Pro Audio and Band-in-a-Box programs into an all-in-one sequencing program with automatic accompaniment. With RealBand you can create an arrangement with Band-in-a-Box tracks; type in the chords, add RealTracks and RealDrums that follow the chord changes, add your own tracks, and then edit and produce the finished song without ever leaving the program. RealBand is loaded with powerful features that make it easy to produce your own song arrangements as if you were in the recording studio with top session musicians.

RealBand offers powerful features for musicians, students, and songwriters. With intelligent automatic arrangements, RealTracks live instrument tracks, RealDrums live drum tracks, the amazing Audio Chord Wizard, seamlessly integrated digital audio/MIDI recording, built-in DirectX effects, and notation, RealBand turns a typical PC into a music production powerhouse.

What are RealCombos?
RealCombos are a band of RealTracks and RealDrums in the same style. For example, the Jazz Swing 140 RealCombo includes 5 RealInstruments (Bass, Piano, Guitar, Sax, and Drums) that play at a medium swing tempo. RealCombos have an ideal tempo listed—they can be played at any tempo, but sound best near the ideal (originally recorded) tempo. The Band-in-Box 2010 Pro for Mac RealTracks Collection includes 12 RealTracks, in 3 Bands: Jazz, Pop/Rock, Country

PG Music Styles Sets 0-3
The Band-in-a-Box Pro 2010 for Windows includes the starter set of PG Music's Sets 0-3. The Style Sets included contain starter sets that range from a mellow bossa nova quartet to a 60's British rock ballad, a BeeGee's inspired disco track to a modern Christina Aguilera-like pop progressions. There's also funk, country swing, blues, new wave, alternative rock, jazz, hip-hop, waltz, heavy metal, and more. It's a diverse mix to get you inspired.

PG Music Soloist Sets
Soloist add-ons work with Band-in-a-Box's Soloist feature, which generates solos to go with your song. The more Soloist add-ons you have, the greater the variety of solos Band-in-a-Box will be able to generate. This Mac version comes with Soloist 1 to give you an idea of what the Soloistt feature can do for you.

PG Music Melodist Sets
Melodist add-ons work with Band-in-a-Box's Melodist feature. The Melodist can compose a song, complete with intro, chords, melody, arrangement and improvisation, with the push of a button. The more add-ons you have, the wider the variety of songs the Melodist will be able to generate. This Mac version comes with Melodist 1 to give you an idea of what it can do for you.
PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro 2010 for Windows Software Features:
  • Includes:
  • Band-in-a-Box 2010 for Windows
  • RealBand 2010
  • Pro RealCombos: 12 RealTracks in 3 Bands (Jazz Swing 140, Pop/Rock 120,
  • Country Ballad 85) + RealDrums Set 1
  • Styles Sets 0-3
  • Soloist Sets 1
  • Melodist Sets 1

    Band-in-a-Box 2010
  • Use standard symbols to enter chords for your song into the Chord Sheet window—it only takes 3 minutes to enter chords for a typical song
  • Arrange and edit your song using automatic intros, endings, style variation, drum fills, and much more
  • Choose styles from a wide variety of genres using the searchable and informative StylePicker window
  • When you play your song, the music software generates an original, professional quality arrangement using the style of your choice
  • Loop parts of the song, transpose each chorus, play along with your keyboard, and much more
  • RealDrums can replace the MIDI Drum track in any style with real recordings of top studio jazz/rock/country drummers and play in perfect sync with other Band-in-a-Box tracks
  • RealTracks can be added to any song giving it an ultra-realistic feel, since RealTracks use audio recordings of actual musicians
  • The Melodist can create an entire original song from scratch, including chords, melody, arrangement, solo, intro, and title
  • The Medley Maker allows you to combine multiple Band-in-a-Box song files into one continuous performance
  • Use the Soloist to automatically create and play original, professional quality solos in the genre and style of your choice
  • Automatic harmonization of Melody track, Soloist track, or live playing on Thru channel: Select from over 200 included harmony types, with 2 to 5 part harmonies like SuperSax, 5 part trumpets, etc.
  • Render your songs to WAV/MP3/WMA for further editing in other programs, for use on the internet, or to make audio CDs of your music
  • Audio Chord Wizard automatically figures out chords in MP3/WAV/WMA files and CD-Audio tracks, and displays them
  • Record your own MIDI part to the Melody or Soloist track from a MIDI keyboard, MIDI guitar, or MIDI wind controller
  • Full-featured Notation Window displays chords and lyrics, as well as musical notation for all instrument tracks
  • Notation Window's 'Editable' and 'Staff Roll' modes allow you to quickly and easily enter or edit notation and lyrics
  • You can view and edit all MIDI and lyric events in the Melody and Soloist tracks using the Event List Editor
  • Lead Sheet window allows you to view multi-line, full-page notation, lyrics, and chords in typical lead sheet style
  • Your Band-in-a-Box songs can be printed, producing a lead sheet style printout, or you can save the song as a graphics file (e.g. BMP, JPG)
  • Piano Roll Window allows you to edit your tracks using an intuitive graphical window similar to the type found in many sequencer programs
  • Sequencer Window allows you to control multichannel Melody or Soloist tracks (i.e. tracks with than one instrument), selecting the patch and volume for each channel, and more
  • Record an audio track along with your Band-in-a-Box song, then edit the track, adding audio effects and harmonies
  • TC Helicon Harmonizer to automatically create up to 4 part audio harmonies to recorded vocals and other audio
  • Load and save many file types, including standards like MID, KAR, WAV, WMA, MP3, and CD-A
  • The SongPicker window provides an easy way to organize, search, and open all of your songs
  • Export your songs as standard MIDI files, enabling you to play or edit them with other software, etc.
  • MIDI File Chord Wizard will analyze any MIDI file, figure out the chords, and import chords and melodies
  • Chord Substitution Wizard will reharmonize a song so you can perform or practice a familiar song in a brand new way
  • Melody Embellisher automatically adds notes (e.g. grace notes) and effects (e.g. vibrato) to the Melody track, making it more lively and realistic
  • Use the Reharmonist to automatically develop chord progressions in the genre of your choice, based only on the melody
  • Jukebox will load and play an entire folder of songs, great for listening, practicing, and live performances
  • Conductor Window allows complete control of your song while it is playing by pressing hotkeys on your computer or MIDI keyboard—excellent for live performances
  • Supports the TranzPort hardware device, which allows you to control Band-in-a-Box remotely through walls from 30 feet away
  • SoundTrack Generator will create royalty-free music of a specified length, for you to use in home videos, presentations, jingles, etc.
  • Big Piano window displays the notes of any track on a resizable piano keyboard
  • Animated Guitar Fretboard window displays any track on guitar, bass, ukulele, mandolin, banjo, and violin
  • Guitarist feature intelligently creates a guitar chord solo based on an existing melody track, using correct guitar fret positions
  • Guitar Tuner includes a tone generator, a pitch meter, fine-adjustment controls, a hum filter, and much more
  • Improve your ear using the Interval and Chord Tutor modules in the Ear Training Window
  • Pitch Invasion is an arcade-style music game designed to teach you to recognize specific pitches from a variety of instruments and octave ranges
  • Music Replay, another ear-training game, is designed to teach the player to recognize and play back melodies and rhythms
  • Convenient Practice Window is where many features and add-ons useful to learning can be launched
  • StyleMaker allows you to create your own new styles from scratch, or edit existing styles
  • Hybrid StyleMaker allows you to easily make a new style by combining instruments from different styles
  • StyleWizard automatically creates a style from a MIDI file
  • MultiStyles can be used which have anywhere from 4 to 24 substyles (average is 2)
  • MIDI Monitor displays a listing of data received from computer MIDI Input and/or Band-in-a-Box output, useful for educational or diagnostic purposes
  • Animated Drum Kit Window is an animated, 3D display of a complete drum kit
  • Use the Big Lyrics Window for a Karaoke style display of chords and lyrics while your songs are playing
  • Will play through an internal or external MIDI synthesizer of your choice, including DXi and VSTi synthesizers
  • Many specialized MIDI options are available, which can help you customize it to make the most of your specific MIDI setup
  • Look can be customized with various chord sheet fonts, colors, floating/dockable toolbars, and more
  • Vocal Wizard transposes any song to the best key for your vocal range—ideal for vocal practice, karaoke, and live performances
  • Chord Builder allows you to hear and build chords up by clicking on the root, extension, and alternate slash root, if applicable
  • Using MIDI Chord Detection, play any chord on your MIDI keyboard, and Band-in-a-Box will recognize it instantly and insert it onto the Chord Sheet
  • The Transpose dialog has options to automatically transpose live playback to a different key, transpose a song every chorus, and more
  • Automatically add a smooth fadeout to the end of your song
  • The Find File feature is a "Swiss Army Knife" that allows you to search for files using keywords
  • Supports entry, display, and printout of song forms using repeats, 1st/2nd endings, and DC/DS al coda
  • Track-to-Track Copy dialog allows you to freeze Band-in-a-Box generated tracks by copying them to the Melody track, and more
  • Multiple options to customize the count-in and metronome sounds according to your preferences.
  • Descriptive hints and keyboard shortcuts throughout the program, a comprehensive help file and manual, and dedicated customer support help make it easy to use

    New-to-the series features
  • Plug-in mode makes BIAB open as a small, always-on-top window, and acts as a plug-in for your favorite DAW/sequencer so that you can drag-n-drop MIDI and audio (AIFF) tracks from BIAB to your favorite sequencer (Work in your favorite sequencer, type a progression in Band-in-a-Box, and then simply drag the track from Band-in-a-Box to your sequencer's track at the desired track and bar location)
  • RealTracks generate much faster, 4X faster on average (down from 20 seconds to 5 seconds) generate will generate now in about 5 seconds
  • If you freeze some, or all tracks, in the song, playback of RealTracks is almost instantaneous
  • Time for generation of MIDI arrangement is much faster (less than 1 second)
  • Freezing (locking) MIDI or Real tracks/RealDrums so it won't be changed or re-generated, saving time when replaying previous songs, and allows you to freeze an arrangement that you like
  • Soloist generated RealTracks are now saved with the song, so you will hear the RealTracks play the same solo when you reload the song
  • RealTracks now support new features, including Shots, Holds, and Pushes: Simply type in the chords as you normally would, adding periods (...) for shots and holds, and the RealTracks will play them
  • RealTracks endings have been enhanced, and are now 4-bar endings instead of 2 bar, allowing time for a natural decay of the instruments
  • Multiple Undo support for up to 999 levels of undo (configurable)
  • Now all settings are saved with songs, including patches, reverbs, volume etc., so that the song will play the same way each time, without having to set this in the Save With Patches dialog
  • Reverb control added for individual tracks with RealTracks or RealDrums, so you can easily add reverb (0 to 127) for any RealTrack
  • Reverb type also settable, and saved with the song
  • Bass/Treble Tone Control added for individual tracks with RealTracks or RealDrums, so you can easily adjust the bass/treble EQ for any RealTrack (Settings save with the song)
  • Band-in-a-Box window is now sizable: when size changes, chord sheet, notation, and other windows redraw in proportion to the new size, allowing you to have BIAB open as a small window on screen with other programs, and you still see a full chord sheet
  • The screen size is remembered between sessions
  • New favorite songs/styles dialog, with separate lists of recently played and favorite songs or styles: Now there are 2 tabs in this dialog, showing you both recently used songs/styles, and a new list of favorites that you select as a favorite songs or styles (You can add an unlimited number of favorites)
  • Double time and half-time support for RealTracks added
  • Tempo swapping of similar RealTracks happens either automatically or manually
  • If you set "Auto RealTracks substitution based on tempo" to true in RealTracks Settings dialog or Additional Song Settings dialog, BIAB will automatically choose the best one to use
  • Rendering now has a Normalize option to normalize individual tracks or the complete arrangement, boosting the volume to a maximum level without distortion
  • RealDrums picker dialog has been enhanced with information about Artist name, Artist bio, and Real Drums Set number
  • Songs saved as a different name now have the new name added to the Recently Used song dialog
  • Support enhanced for non-concert instruments (Bb/Eb sax, trumpet etc.) so when chord sheet is transposed, you can type in chords in the transposed key, and they will show up as you have entered them instead of requiring you to enter the chords in the concert key
  • Rendering songs to audio is now much faster for songs with no MIDI, such as RealStyle
  • Rendering RealTracks no longer require you to have a DXi or VST in use
  • More Soloists are now available (up to 2000)
  • RealTracks Picker dialog enhanced: opens up faster, and New Columns added (tempo swappable, holds type), and column are sizable
  • Undo added for entry of individual lyrics
  • 'Enter' and 'Close' button added to lyric entry
  • Lyrics toggle to editable notation view if lyric mode is entered in note roll mode, so that lyrics are visible
  • And many more
PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro 2010 for Windows Software Specifications:
  • General System Requirements
  • Windows 98 (98SE preferred), NT, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, and 7
  • Minimum of 256MB available RAM
  • For best performance, you should have fairly recent computer with Windows XP or higher
  • A minimum of 400 MB free hard disk space is required to install the basic program and MIDI styles (This doesn't include the RealDrums and RealTracks, which require more hard disk space - about 100 MB per RealDrums set and 800 MB per RealTracks set)
  • At least 1GB RAM
  • Sound card and MIDI sound source
  • Speakers


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