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There are many benefits or positive effects of music, especially piano for a child. Playing the piano can stimulate intelligensi or intelligence of children who learn music.
Dr. Show or Dr. Gordon. Frances Rausche piano lessons useful to stimulate a child's intelligence or intelligensi. Playing the piano also provide a future for a child. If a child is learning the piano, to stimulate their intelligence in other subject areas? Even in the conclusion of the psychologist says that playing music, especially piano touted as "educational tool" that can help ekselerasi the development of a child. Not that a child should be able to play the piano perfectly, but most importantly he can dig up the hidden abilities.

The most important thing in playing the piano is the concentration aspect. Any smart person in playing the piano when the concentration is disturbed he could not play piano very well. Nilia-value of concentration, coordination and confidence it would be helpful for a player piano is superior in other fields than those who do not study music. That is why it is always recommended and even required of preschool piano student's parents to assist and provide a conducive situation for his children to learn or practice the piano.
That is, the atmosphere in the house must be quiet and avoid the fray for the preschool children could learn to concentrate despite the tempo short. So concentration is needed in learning the piano. Try to imagine a process of learning the piano. A child will try to learn songs that will play through reading the notes on the lines of piano music books displayed at the piano. Then he uses both his hearing and use arms, hands, feet, and overall his fingers to play the piano. And all this did take place in the time together. Know that there is no activity that can rival the skill like this.
Aspects of coordination of mind and muscle also has an important role. There is a good coordination between eyes, hands and even feet in piano playing which of course all this can be accomplished or well coordinated because both sides of the brains of children are used together in the same time. In memorizing math or chemistry, wearing only the left side of the brain but playing music is more focused on the right side of the brain and at the same time mamakai left side of the brain.
If a child who plays the piano was used to concentrate the mind and coordinate the entire mind and muscle in his body, then that confidence will grow. Children will begin to dare to experiment, if the concentration and coordination that have been formed in the child. When the concentration and optimal coordination of mind and hence improve the body's muscles, then play the piano or perform in a play is not difficult. He will play the piano as if he himself is in the show, not realizing that there are many people around who are watching themselves and their fingers. But just to concentrate and coordinate the mind and body muscle expression game with beautiful music and stunning.
Learn berkonsentasi and coordinate the mind and muscles of your body in playing the piano. Focus on piano game and learn to express themselves in the game piano.
Piano-shaped single keyboard, all 88 keys, or about 7 ½ octaves, with a thicker bar keys and heavier than the keyboard.
Divided on piano acoustic piano and digital piano. If you have a source of acoustic piano sound of metal strings are struck with the keys, so it is not driven by electricity. Baby grand piano price of the cheapest around 60 million-an, and even second. If a second upright pianos ranging from about 8 million-an.
Now also has many digital pianos, the sound source comes from the results of sampling acoustic piano-driven electricity. The length between 76 to 88 keys. Prices start from 3 million-an.
But be careful because there tutsnya different. Some names weighted graded hammer keys or keys, that is heavier and thicker tutsnya like an acoustic piano. But some are not as thick as that or even the keyboard keys light as usual. There are manifold synthesizer keyboard, interactive / intelligent / portable / arranger keyboards, controllers, samplers and workstations.
Learn piano on a keyboard
At first it did not matter if only to master the basic piano. But the long term may need to buy a piano. If it has not been able to buy an acoustic piano can with a digital piano. But still tutsnya mechanism is still more natural and comfortable acoustic piano. Myth: • Can the piano means can all the tools. • Learn the keyboard not serious, just entertainment. If you seriously want to learn piano. • Learn the best classical piano, it later if you want to learn more easily pop or jazz. • Play the keyboard can be "damaging" the finger.
Keyboard keys are lighter and not as expressive piano. All the above points you've come to the course meet new or contact the nearest music teacher piano / keyboard to the house. If you want to learn on their own, try searching the books piano / keyboard that can be bought in bookstores.
Sometimes I get the question: "I or my child has been all these years piano or keyboard lessons but what I can not, could you!". This question must be clarified, "could" expected was like what? After the probe turned out to have some answers.
1. Can play any song without see books. 2. Ngiringin can sing any song. 3. Band can play like the bands on television. 4. Can improvise 5. And the list goes on and on.
Most of our senior musicians do not ngerasain music school. They are special people with special talent, who've enetertainment nyemplung in the world at a young age. Indeed the past there has been no music school, because who understand the music-even a little. On average, they have the feel or the musical soul, hearing and grooving strong. Well what did tuh? Feel is how to play the kind of music is different. Hearing is the ability to recognize the tones, chords and beats with just listening. Grooving is the ability to follow a different beat in every type of music. If someone has three elements plus a strong memory, he's arguably gifted in music. But it turns out they are self-taught has some weaknesses.
1. Not necessarily they have a fingering or penjarian a neat, nice views. 2. Substandard read the notes, let alone mastering music theory. 3. Lack of control of teaching methods are good because they are not necessarily learning methods can be followed by all people.
Most self-taught musician is a good player, but they have difficulty transferring their knowledge to others. Pupils who half "finished" or half "can" that will evolve. Now there are books and tutorial piano keyboard is quite nice from the inside or outside the country, equipped with a CD as well so you can learn on their own.
There are a few things to note if you want piano lessons.
1. Find references about the music school who want to enter from another person and never learned or even better than the music teacher. 2. Get to know our teachers, ask for references from others about how his game, where graduates, how ngajarnya, etc.. 3. Tell the teacher or instructor what our expectations of learning music. Ask also learning methods, have a lesson plan 4. Do not let the wrong direction,
Now this really have started a lot of courses and schools of music with a good method. Many piano teachers too lho overseas graduates. But do not get into courses that do not have methods and curriculum. You could see why the material per level and his books. If it can teachers with methods and curriculum are good, do not be lazy to exercise. Make a commitment to exercise so many minutes every day. If not there is progress, do not blame anyone else. If you can listen to as much music from a CD or cassette to broaden your horizons play.
Mystery Improvisation (Spontaneous) Improvisation in contemporary music is divided into three activities:
1. Playing melody spontaneously under an existing chord progression. 2. Men-substitution or mereharmonisasi chord-chord that already exist. 3. Changing the style or rhythm of a composition.
How to practice improvisation, some things that need to be done:
1. Listen to music, listen to music! Begin diets were listening to music .. 2. Ask the teacher / instructor of music you provide practicing ear training. You must capture the difference between high and low sensitive tones, beats, chord type and others. 3. Play your favorite songs and started looking for a melody and then write in a staff chordnya (books / paper line 5). If not fluently use musical notes can not figure. 4. Exercise finger speed and power 5. Invite your friends make a band. Or ask who wrote that can sing or play music. Spontaneous improvisation occurs through the process of collecting musical ideas from the music we hear. Then we just play the ideas in his head.
Can Piano Means Can not all Musical Instruments
There are several things that cause someone who already nyebur in classical piano for so long have to start from zero again when studying contemporary piano or keyboard. 1. The differences led to differences in habits of play equipment. It only takes the right and left hand when playing the piano, perhaps plus one foot to the pedal. But to play the organ or electone both feet and hands have to play all. When playing the keyboard, right and left hands should also be actively suppress and adjust any settings on the panel. 2. Usually, classical students are often helpless when I have to follow the rhythm different from the kind of music. There is a need to play swing, straight, syncop the meeting, and others. While the song material on organ lessons, keyboard or piano pop songs with a contemporary mood of different rhythm. 3. Not to mention when dealing with improvisation

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