Guitar TAB.TAB is an easy to read and should be easy to write if you wantsend (submit) a song you have worked out their own. The ideais this:Start with 6 lines (or four for bass). This relates to the stringsof the instrument. The top line is the highest string. andline that is underneath the lower strings. Below is a bitempty of TAB with the string names at the left.
E ----------------------
B ----------------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
The numbers are written on the line to indicate which of the strings on the fretwith his left hand. If a zero appears, this means play the stringopen. Like standard musical notation, read from left to right to knoworder to play the notes. Part of the following TAB has the meaningplayed a series of notes (EFF # GG # A) on the bottom E string withmoving up a fret, starting with the string open.
E ----------------------
B ----------------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E-0-1-2-3-4-5 ---------------
OK so far?Here are the notes that are played simultaneously. If two or more noteswill be played simultaneously, they are written above each other, oncemore like standard notation.The following example we have a chord beam G.
E - 3 --------------------
B - 3 --------------------
G - 4 --------------------
D - 5 --------------------
A - 5 --------------------
E - 3 --------------------
So this means play all these notes together as a chord.You might also see the same chord written like this:
E --- 3 -------------------
B --- 3 -------------------
G - 4 --------------------
D - 5 --------------------
A - 5 --------------------
E-3 ---------------------
Which means the ring with the same shape starting from the lowest string, sothat each string is sounded immediately after the last string, but allnotes will ring together. Below is an example again with the formthe same, but with a slightly larger distance - so you maymust pluck the strings separately instead of a ringslowly.
E ------ 3 ----------------
B ----- 3-3 ---------------
G ---- 4 ---- 4 --------------
D --- 5 ------ 5 -------------
A - 5 -------- 5 ------------
E-3 ---------- 3 -----------
You may ask- How do I know how fast or slow to play?- Are all the notation should have the same length?This is where TAB differs from standard notation. Most of the TAB * not *notify the length note. Usually it depends on you tolisten to the song to get rhythm.However - do not be disappointed. TAB should give an indication of the timethem. In the example above all the notes are separated by a distance equalso you can make the assumption that the notes are the same distance(Maybe all eighth notes or quavers) but this is not forevertrue - it depends on who wrote the TAB.As a general rule, the distance from the notes on the TAB should tell youwhere a long note and which are short and fast, but usually notwill notify you if a note is a triplet or othersomething like that. Once again, this will very depending on who iswrote the TAB.For example, here are some notes from the American National Song in TAB.You certainly can see clearly that the difference depends on the long-distancenote.
E -------- 0 --- 4-2-0 ---------
B-0 ----- 0 ----------- 0 ----
G - 1-1 ---------- 1-3 ------
D --- 2 -------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
Usually it's easier to play the TAB of the song that you already knowbetter than the songs you've never heard of because it will be more accustomedwith the rhythm of the songs that are well known.Other symbols used in the TAB.So far I have seen what notes to play: which stringshould be suppressed, and in which columns. I have alluded to how knownote lengths by looking at the distance between notes on the TAB, but this can onlyas a rough guide. You will have to always check with tracks tracksoriginal untuk mendapatkan dari rhythm performance in detail.A lot of important information can be included in the TAB. This includeshammer-ons (o'clock), pulls offs (release), slides (slide), bends, vibrato andother.What should be done is to write extra letters or symbols between notesto indicate how to play. Below are the characters / symbolswhich is often used:
h - hammer onp - pull offb - bend string upr - release bend/ - Slide up\ - Slide downv - vibrato (sometimes written as ~)t - tap with right handx - play 'note' with heavy damping
For slides (shift), s is sometimes used to indicate whethershifted upwards or downwards. Symbols for harmonics are explained below inSection 3.2The last, x, used to get a choppy, percussive sound.You usually use fret hand to lightly damp the strings so that whenwill sound the note as if his voice to die.Note that the use of 'x' * very * different from the use of 'x' when givingchord shapes.For example if you wrote the chord of D, it will terlilhat:EADGBExx0232Where 'x' means do not play.In tab it is assumed that a string is not played if not marked.So the same chord in the tab will look like:
E - 2 --------------------
B - 3 --------------------
G - 2 --------------------
D - 0 --------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
without the 'x'. 'X' is only used in TAB to represent a muted stringsweight that sounded / picked for giving the percussion sound.There are a few of the other symbols for things like whammy bar bends,scrapes and other passages. It seems there is no standard of writing asreference to writing these - details should be given in the TABto explain the meaning of the symbol.Bass TAB will probably need a few extra symbols to cope withneeds of the different techniques used in bass playing - asexample slapping and 'popping' the string with thumb or middle finger.You can use the 's' for slap and 'p' for pop as long as written
written * on * the lines of tabs.HAMMER ONS AND PULL offs.With hammer-ons and pull-offs you might find things like these:
E ----------------------
B ----------------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A --- 5h7 ---- 5h7 -------------
E-0-0 ---- 0-0 ---------------
which would mean play the open E twice, then hit the A string at the 5th andhammer in column 7.Pull offs look very similar:
E - 3p0 --------------------
B --- 3p0 -------------------
G ----- 2p0 -----------------
D ------- 2 ---------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
Here bluse descending obtained by using a scale pull-offs againstopen string. For each pull off just taking the first note of the pairwith the right hand - so in this example just take all the notes oncolumn to 3 and 2, and open strings will be played by releasing.Because the string an extra bit of energy when you hammer on and pull off, youanya should first note sounds using a hand pick. You can alsoget a long string of hammer-ons and pull-offs like this:
E ----------------------
B ----------------------
G-2h4p2h4p2h4p2h4p2h4p2 --------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
In this case you only need to ring the first note.Note - you may get other symbols used tohammer-ons and pull-offs, for example ^ can be used to interprethammer-ons and pull-offs.For example:G-2 ^ 4 ^ 2 -which would mean "hit the note on the second column, hammer-on to the 4th and pull-offsinto column 2 ". It would be easier if everyone uses the same symbol,so unless you have strong objections against the 'h' and 'p' pleaseuse it. In any case, for each tab that is sent must alwaysexplain the notation used so if you use anything 'unconventional 'make sure to explain his point.Bends.When bends are involved you need to know how much to bend thenote. It can be known by writing the number after the 'b'.For example, if you see this:
E ----------------------
B - 7b9 -------------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
mean ring B string at the 7th, then bend the note up two semitones(One step at a time) so that it sounds the same pitch as a note fretted atcolumn 9. (Sometimes the bend is written with the second part in brackets,like this-7b (9) -)Something like this:
E ----------------------
B - 7b9-9r7 -----------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
means play the note at the 7th fret, bend up two semitones, hit the noteagain while it is bent up, then release the bend so that the note backnormal.Sometimes pre-bend is used - this is where the string is bent up * before * the note is struck.After striking the note, the bend is released. Pre-bends are usually written asfollows:
E ----------------------
B - (7) b9r7 -----------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
Means: fret the note at the 7th and bend the string up two semitones(Without sounding nite). Then remove the ring and bend strings.Sometimes get a note which is bent up only a quarter of a tone andforth. In this case would look a little strange:B --- 7b7.5--if you have to bend it up half a fret's worth.Write down as follows:bend up 1 / 4 tone
E ----------------------
B - 7b -------------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
with instructions about how much bend is written above the note.Slides.Symbols are most commonly used are / to slide up and \ fordownward slide.You might also see 's' is used to slide.You do not always need separate symbols for 'up' and 'bottom'TAB line readings due:
E ----------------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
clearly seen a slide * up * from column 7 to column 9. Howeversometimes encountered something like the following:
E ----------------------
B--/7-9-7 \ -----------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
where the initial and final slide is not clear is given. Here you need to knowif you slide up or down. In this case use the decision youto choose the starting or finishing fret.You can also have a set series of slides simultaneously, as this
E ----------------------
G ----------------------
D ----------------------
A ----------------------
E ----------------------
which means you only strike the first note using the sustainto produce the other notes.