A music genre in the realm of contemporary art, often creating a sense of dissatisfaction with the conventions or values that have been considered to be established by a collective society, if we associate it with a music genre of Indonesian young people today, one genre of metal music, it might be is interesting to observe, discuss or even deconstructed.
Metal music as a subculture that is loved by the average young man, of course has its own dialectic to live, grow and influence the formation of character, mentality, and attitude that gave birth to other forms of creative expression are increasingly open mind, and therefore requires a kind of "defection" to break the conventions, break through the tight space to get a living room, and then thrust a new value to the public, no doubt cause a variety of interpretations / multi-interpretable.
Trace the history of rock music in the homeland, in dekade70-an example, there is a line of sorts GODBLESS name (Jkt), SAS (Sby), SUPERKID (Bdg). These bands have shown existence and identified as the bands that play music "loud, wild, and extreme" for the size of his day, and then we looked far in the decade of 1998's, sticking Grausig name, SKULL, TRAUMA (jkt), bodies , Forgotten (Bdg), Burgerkill (Bdg), HELL Gods (Bdg), Death Vomit (Jogja), FEAR INSIDE, SLOW DEATH (sby), who also managed to voice shouting his day, what is exposed above are only "random sampling" to attract red thread, that believe it or not, the rock music scene (metal) there are also a kind of trend, sporadic movements that are not directly represent the spirit of his time each? of each reason, and then build their own conventions, rules, until the complexity of the aesthetic that try in the stretcher.
The question then, what about metal music today?. If we position ourselves as a people of metal that has been "baptized" into the subject in the rolling dynamics of metal music, has puskah us?, A question that had rotted in fact, but it's very important to taken seriously, or more precisely conceived again, and this time we will only membincang aspects of musicality in the genre of metal music in general, consider the example of two eras above comparison, our logic is common (Common Sense) will say: it's fair, that's evolution, the development of normal according to the "demands of the times" in which music is alive and influential, then let us compare between metal today with an 98 era apart from the consistency of the genre in the stretcher, if still the same, without significant changes, arguably we are still stagnant, the movement of creative imagination is still locked in a conservative frame of thought, especially if merepetisi we only "ideas" that already existed before, in fact legitimate, considering we can not be separated entirely from the concept hipogram, where previous work menginfluence certainly works that were born next.
More simply we take an example: we really worship, fond of Suffocation, for example, then in music, we create a form / composition almost identical with Suffocation, it's ok but not fun! You could say this time we just "recycle" celebration from others. This phenomenon is implicated in heavy metal music scene locally to this day.
If we do not want to say "photocopy machine", then we must create a different, completely different from pre-existing form, put us marries eg metal music with ethnic music, or maybe fusion, jazz, blues, bossanova, swing, etc such as that proposed by Sleep Terror (Death Metal Band-Funk from the U.S.) Another example, Sick Drummer Derek Roddy ever mengkolaborasi Death Metal with the ASU Orchestra (U.S.), hence the birth of new forms. Freak, and certainly raises Korsluiting Audience minds.
This is just an example of tension between convention with innovation, of course, we'll do something else. create music that agitative, contemplative, and capable of exploring or even colonize imaginative territory unspoiled by anyone.
Although initially we will be laughed at people, diumpat, dicuekin, or even dilemparin bottle of mineral water, it's ok this is the process to progress, and something different that means we must "menyelingkuhi convention", skipping the trend, burying grip, killing the structure and negate center, free the crazy ideas that spurted and distort the reality, that the music (Metal), it did not have so-so, we need only freedom, because that's where everything becomes possible.
As Aforisma a Post-modern philosopher Nietzsche F thus: "All this has now eardrum vibrated by the music of the future ...". Now it's time we give ourselves the space to laugh at this definition we consider that during the final. Congratulations to experiment, spit kebaharuan a spectacle, and believe me one day your music will be heard by the ear-ear-hungry kebaharuan!.